Hefty Payouts Won’t Change Big Pharma’s Actions Unless Major Reforms Are Made

-7 out of 10 Americans take at least one prescription medication.

-20%, or $3.5 trillion, of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) goes towards health care costs.

-In a single year, one drug company spent over $460 million in advertising for its blood thinner Pradaxa.

clinical trialsMorgan Statt – These statistics, laid out by the American Intelligence Media in an article entitled Pharmageddon, highlight one undeniable fact. Big Pharma is Big Business. Patients’ health and safety is often cast aside to make room for manufacturers to focus on one thing: profits.

Suffice to say that money is blinding. Flashing dollar signs can distract even the most ethical of individuals and sway them to cross the line between right and wrong. In the case of Big Pharma, these distractions and abandonment of ethics don’t just impact a manufacturer’s bottom line.

When a pharmaceutical manufacturer places profit at the forefront of its priorities, the very patients boosting the company’s profit margin may suffer severe injuries and in some cases death that is caused by a drug’s side effects. Continue reading

Same Corporations That Manufacture Vaccines Are Killing Half A Million People Annually With Deadly Psychiatric Drugs

– Psychiatric medications are not only useless, but they’re responsible for killing at least 500,000 people aged 65 years and older every single year. This is the shocking conclusion of a new meta-analysis published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) that challenges the widely held belief that antidepressants and dementia drugs are safe and effective for treating mental health issues.

Researchers from Denmark’s Nordic Cochrane Centre broke the disturbing news after poring through loads of published data on this class of drugs and finding that virtually none of it is suggestive of either safety or efficacy. To the contrary, nearly every placebo-controlled trial used by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in justifying the legal prescription of psych meds shows minimal or no benefits.

The paper revealed that virtually every randomized trial ever conducted that involved psych meds failed to properly evaluate the drugs’ effects in users. The “control” groups in these bogus studies, it turns out, were made up of folks who were previously taking other psychiatric drugs, rendering any and all findings moot. And yet these were the very studies that U.S. regulators used to approve such drugs as “safe and effective.”

“Patients, who after a short wash-out period are randomized to placebo, go ‘cold turkey’ and often experience withdrawal symptoms,” wrote the paper’s authors. “This design exaggerates the benefits of treatment and increases the harms in the placebo group, and it has driven patients taking placebo to suicide in trials in schizophrenia.”

Blatant manipulation of antidepressant clinical trials led to fake results, widespread death

In other words, the companies that produce these psych meds, and who also design the clinical trials used to “test” and approve them, are using human beings as guinea pigs in blatantly corrupt experiments posing as “science.” People are dying left and right not only from these trials, but also from the use of the drugs “tested” in these trials post-approval. Continue reading

WHO Calls for Publication of ALL Clinical Trial Results – Not Just Favorable Ones

trialsBarbara Minton – In a strong and surprising action, the World Health Organization (WHO) made it crystal clear that researchers have an ethical mandate to publish all clinical trial results, regardless of their outcomes. This extends to past trials as well as future, and is the latest move in the battle for full disclosure.

According to its Statement on Public Disclosure of Clinical Trials Results, the WHO is calling for:

  • Results from clinical trials to be publicly reported within 12 months of the trial’s end
  • Results from previously unpublished trials to be made public
  • Calls on organizations and governments to implement measures to achieve this

The action may put a stop to the practice of cherry picking outcomes for public disclosure. An investigation published in March found that during the following 12 months after completion of industry funded trials, only 17% of trial outcomes had been reported.

This number increased to just 41% after five years. Results for the trials funded by the National Institutes of Health produced only 8% disclosure after 12 months, and 38% after five years. It is logical to assume that the results presented to the public were supportive of study hypotheses. Continue reading