Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton walk in to a bar

hillaryPaul Craig Roberts – Donald Donald and Hillary Clinton walk in to a bar. Donald leans over, and with a smile on his face, says, “The media is really tearing you apart for that Scandal.”

Hillary: “You mean my lying about Benghazi?”

Donald: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean the massive voter fraud?”

Donald: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean the military not getting their votes counted?”

Donald: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “Using my secret private server with classified material to hide my Activities?”

Donald: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything else?”

Donald: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for tax evasion, hiring cronies, and taking bribes from foreign countries?”

Donald: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean the drones being operated in our own country without the benefit of the law?”

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