Herbs That Naturally Kill Parasites

Nick Kowalski – There are many powerful herbs that are used to treat parasite infections. But before you start experimenting with remedies, read this to learn the best way to naturally kill parasites

Before we dive in, know that it is not advised to take any herbs unless you’ve been working with a professional or, even better, a functional medicine doctor with experience in parasitic infections. It’s ideal if you have been practicing a holistic lifestyle for some time. That is because the first and most critical step for healing an infection is getting your immune system up and functioning optimally.

From there, one of the very last steps is going to be experimenting with herbs. To help this process, if you suspect you have an infection or are running a routine yearly cleanse, here are some of the best natural food and herbal remedies to naturally kill parasites. Continue reading

Candida Fighting Foods


Lucy Morales – Candida Albicans is a type of yeast that can occur in the human gut. According to research, 70% of people have candida colonies in their intestines, mouth or skin, however the candida in your gut is typically kept in balance by healthy gut bacteria. The problem is that candida can over run your system if our bacterial balance is upset by factors like antibiotics, poor diet, alcohol consumption, prescription drugs, diabetes or pregnancy.

As the candida infections spreads, the overgrowth releases nasty toxic byproducts into your body causing numerous unpleasant symptoms. Candida frequently causes superficial infections but may also cause systemic infections. Candida Albicans can also cause issues like chronic fatigue and serious digestive issues, which can negatively — and dramatically — affect your quality of life.

Candida infection isn’t pleasant, but it is manageable. Try incorporating some of these foods into your diet. Here are 10 foods proven to be effective in fighting the problem. Continue reading