The Levels Of Consciousness All Experience Before Enlightenment

consciousnessLife Coach  Code –  Consciousness is referred to as the state of being aware of yourself, your thoughts, emotions, and feelings and the relationship you have with the world around you.

In the evolution of consciousness, your soul goes through three transformational processes. That is, if you do your inner work.

A part of our purpose in coming into this world is to become what we are destined to be, to become fully conscious humans.

If you’re doing your inner work, you can check your progress by knowing the three levels consciousness goes through before enlightenment is reached. Continue reading

You Are Not Who You Were Last Week

by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan | Quantum Awakening
October 22 2011

CodeWelcome. We are the Pleiadian council of light. On this day we will become as the architects to your being, to your essence, to your energy. We will help you to design, re-design, sculpt, re-sculpt, and re-evaluate the blueprint of your life, of your heart, of your intent, and of your fears. On this day we usher you into a very long hallway of your existence. As you walk down this hallway of self you look, ponder, and gaze upon who you once were, realizing that you are now ready to release what once served you well, but no longer meets your needs.

It is time to let go of everything that no longer serves the bigger picture that you are becoming. Many of you still cling to ‘what was,’ going through the trash of your day and of your life – digging up, exhuming, and examining ‘what could have been’, ‘what would have been’, “if only” you had taken a different path, made a different choice.

We come to assure all of you that this emotional regret is an illusion. Stop digging through the very trash of your life, amplifying the ‘regrets’ of the past. You are being pushed and pulled into a very tight-fitting energy that actually squeezes your humanness into new directions that are not comfortable. These are the forgotten corridors in your heart, your dreams, and what lives in your soul.

The energies are making you squirm, irritable, and emotional. You are being re-sculpted into something new, more enhanced than you ever thought possible. The new energies– ARC. They ARC in every part of you. They bring forth connections with people, places, and things that you thought you had tossed away. They bring you new situations in the form of opportunities as well as regrets. Everything that you have placed to the side of your plate is “Now” asking to be ingested, addressed, and then eliminated.

All of you are being birthed into a higher consciousness, this is the first glimmer of all the light to come. You are only a few inches into this new portal of expansion. In the next 5 years, you will be accessing encoded places inside of yourself that hold the secrets of the universe. Never, ever in your human countenance have you entertained such possibilities.

These encodings are your prime property. They are the treasures that you so seek – the treasures that you innately know are yours. As humans you look for these treasures externally as money, inheritances, lottery winnings… these innate treasures are the true love that you so seek, these treasures are your heart’s desire. They are your God Codes.