Planet with Two Suns

graceSteve Rother – Greetings from Home.

We join you this day to take you a little further down the road and share with you what is taking place. Yes, your world is changing. Your own physicality is now starting to shift. Yes, Earth is changing. Your environment is shifting all around you in so many ways. Although it can be a scary time for humans, we also tell you you’re right on time. That’s one of the key elements that we wish to share with you on this day.

There are several places throughout the universe that have now located the changes that are happening on planet Earth. They have spotted Earth and can see you much the way that humans use telescopes to find other planets.


In recent years, your scientists have identified many planets located in what they call the Goldilocks Zone. These planets are a perfect distance away from the sun, to be able to support life similar to the biological life that exists on planet Earth. Well, you’re not the only game in town. You have known that, and we share with you some stories from one of these games on a planet that we will call Solara. Continue reading