Lightworkers, This Is Your Purpose

Lightworkers, This Is Your PurposeDaniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have attained so much wisdom throughout our existence, and we know that the wisdom we impart to all of you helps you to lead better lives, but we also know that wisdom is derived life experience. We want you to understand that you are meant to have all of the life experiences you are having. Continue reading

You Live Lifetimes Within Each Day: Embrace the Spectrum

subconsciousThe Angels – You live lifetimes within each day. Within each day, you can experience the gamut of emotions. You may have predominant feelings that seem to overshadow all else, but in truth, if you pay attention, you will find moments that cover a spectrum of emotions.

You may feel happy but temporarily become enraged when you stub your toe. You may be stricken with the most profound grief you have ever felt, but then a memory inspires your joy. You may feel depressed and suddenly take a sip of coffee or feel the comfort of a warm shower, which becomes a saving grace. You may be celebrating but then hear of someone else’s misfortune and feel temporarily sad. Each one of you lives lifetimes on the spectrum of feeling each day. Continue reading

Observe, Not Absorb

Observe, Not AbsorbRebecca Couch – It is always a delight to communicate to you in this way. You are transforming so much inside it is always important to keep connected to your highest wisdom and that is always within. The outside world continues to spin off that which no longer resonates with the higher frequencies of light that are being bombarded upon your planet. Do not get injured by the immense debris field!

Stay in the quiet eye of the storm, always in the middle, always in the calm. From this perspective you can see that which is effluvia and that which remains as truth. Intend always to be in the light of truth and so it shall be. It takes all of your strength and all of your attuned faculties to NOT attach to the debris. Continue reading

We’ve Hidden a Multitude of Energies

We’ve Hidden a Multitude of EnergiesDaniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are the bringers of a multitude of different energies to Earth and humanity, and we see how these energies affect all of you, including plant, animal, and mineral life.

We notice what those kingdoms can handle first, as they are the building blocks for human life, and we want you to see them as such also. We encourage you to do this because when you connect to Mother Earth, Mother Nature, and the animal kingdom, you are connecting to something that stabilizes you.

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The Golden Compass – December 2022

The Golden Compass – December 2022Emmanuel Dagher – Hi my Friend, as we connect in this way today, I am feeling a great sense of Oneness rising up in the world.

How blessed we are to be able to meet this way, and to experience this journey together!

December is going to offer us a glimpse into some of the changes coming up in 2023 and beyond. These changes will feel inspiring, supportive, and new, yet will have a sense of familiarity that will spark within us feelings of being settled and at home. Continue reading