Release Your Guilt About Universal Shoulds

shouldsBrenda Hoffman – Many of you have mistaken our words. Believing you have to be different instead of looking within to determine how and why you are different.

Acting silly because it’s fun is different than being silly because you feel you must. Again, shoulds from your society or the Universes are not your path. Shoulds are no more.

Even though you have heard that last statement over and over, most of you applied it to your social milieu. Shoulds also apply to concepts many tout as Universal truths, including meditation, foods, and other forms of connecting with the Universes. Continue reading

Pay Attention To Your Feelings

feelingsVeronica – In a time of great disconnect one often feels as if they are lost in a void of chaos.

Engaging said chaos creates more disconnect and fear of outcomes. It seems as if the reality is unraveling as you walk through it.

There is great unrest in a disconnect. The hope of being content often eludes the best and wisest. If you are one of the few who can navigate the odd energy then read no further. We do know that most are struggling with creating the safe, connected environment of love and peace. Continue reading

How To Cope With The Energies You’re Sensing Right Now

sensing energySage Goddess – There’s a broad and expansive energy shift taking place on our planet right now.

It’s so big, so expansive, yet also subtle and almost imperceptible. But many of us who are empaths and channels sense the shift in the field. We can feel the disturbance in the force. We understand that early waves of energy often make themselves known to us before any material impact is felt.

Signs of an energy shift

Think of the way animals behave before an earthquake – moving in irregular patterns, ears back, listening, coming closer to the ground, using all of their senses to discern information on every level of frequency. It’s exhausting work, to be on alert, all senses activated. It drains the energy field and depletes one’s psychic resources if this state is sustained for too long. It’s like living in fight or flight. Continue reading

Untying the Knots

knotsVictoria Fann – When I was first introduced to the Sufi wisdom of seeing our inner spiritual work as a process of untying knots, it immediately resonated. It struck me as a powerful metaphor that brought clarity and insight to the often confusing world of the subconscious. To further illuminate this, I want to take a little side trip here to show how the image of a rope or the act of tying something is used in these common expressions:

“wound too tight”
“bound up”
“my stomach is in knots”
“my muscles are full of knots”
“tied up”
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Sometimes You Just Need A Hug

connectionVeronica – Being in physical reality is not for the faint of heart.  Encapsulating the energy within and without seems always difficult.  Often an individual finds themselves adrift without a paddle, so to speak.

Incarnating means that you have chosen to separate from the source to become a human being.  It is a lonely existence especially if one recalls clearly the soul communion on the other side.

The lack of intimate connection can leave the most advanced  souls unbalanced and lost,

For those seeking connection in a very disconnected reality, it is important to extend out of yourself daily.

Decide that being in the reality is difficult but can be remedied by conscious connection with others. Continue reading