How Thoughts Actually Create Reality

thoughtsKristen Yates – We’ve all heard that our “thoughts create our reality” – but for many, this is more a New Age adage than an actually lived principle. Manifestation became the hot buzzword in the spiritual world after the release of the popular book “The Secret”, and people began consciously directing their thoughts, reciting affirmations, and creating vision boards to manifest their dreams.

But if thought-based manifestation were so easy, why are more people not actively changing their lives with it?

The truth is that until we step back enough to recognize our ingrained mental habits and stories, we can never be free to create a new beginning. Our thoughts absolutely do create our reality – but usually, it’s through unconscious patterns, belief systems, and societal influence, rather than an empowered state of conscious creation. Continue reading

Never Be Fooled Again

conscious awarenessPaul Lenda – Those who are conscious cannot be fooled. Opening your third eye visionary center blows open your narrow reality tunnel and shows you the wider horizon of Reality. Once you have activated the full spectrum of what your pineal gland can do, you will never be fooled again.

All is not as it seems. Be vigilant or you may end up unknowingly embracing the illusions around you, unable to become truly liberated from control. There is a great deal of deception these days, and many who believe themselves to be “woke” or “conscious” are showing themselves to still be a far cry away from being so. If principles are not kept universal, such as increased sovereignty, reduced suffering, and so on, then we are deceiving ourselves to be something we are not. Continue reading

Boldly Engaging the Ongoing Adventure

Zen Gardner – Very new times are upon us. The shift continues to shift in new and amazing ways, challenging even new found paradigms almost as quickly as we arrive at considering them.

timeIf things aren’t morphing that quickly for you perhaps you’re not paying attention. Because there’s a good chance they are and you’re just not noticing.

Little things and big things are taking on new shapes and forms. It may appear subtle at first until you tune in, but timeline splits and glitches in the matrix are real, as is this powerful background of vibrational change. We’re beginning to notice things we either were too preoccupied to take note of, took for granted, or were too naive to pay attention to.

But now they are increasingly hard to miss.

What to Look Out For

One of the biggest manifestations I’m currently experiencing is meeting new people and seeing an openness I’ve never seen before, almost as if people have awakened out of a dream or some sort of suspended animation but didn’t know they were “on hold” for an indefinite period of time.

This has been profoundly so in my recent and current travels, and has been corroborated by trusted awake and active colleagues of mine.

It’s quite thrilling. The awakening we’ve sensed for so long is manifesting so rapidly now anyone can see it – – if they’re looking. Just as profound if not more so is personal experiences I and others I’m in close touch with are experiencing. I’ve written on these types of phenomena for years but they’re not just accelerating in frequency now, but taking on new, intriguing nuances.

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The Hamster Wheels of the Matrix

consciousZen Gardner ~  It’s amazing how many come so near yet so far. As I’ve said all along, without a full-on conscious awakening, no matter to what degree people are “getting” what’s going on, it’s still propelling the matrix – another hamster wheel of futility fighting this imposed matrix at many levels yet all on the terms of the control system.

Do we want to be winners for love and truth, or destined-to-lose self-reinforcing pulpit pounding tools of unending futility?

This is where the heart comes in. Do we learn and grow in humility to the wondrous universe and all its workings? Or are we just new forms of egoic expression, lording over others our new found knowledge of the increasingly obvious workings of the matrix of deceit.

That’s a pretty big question.

Chest Pounding Apes or Conscious Administers of Loving Empowerment

You can’t awaken others unless you’ve been awakened yourself. Sure, there’s all kinds of misinformation here to address at level after level, but is our response conscious, fully awake and aware, to where we can offer a true solution to mankind’s predicament?

That takes humility. Knowing we don’t know squat compared to what we’ve come to know is available to us is imperative. But that attitude alone is arguably the greatest propellent to Truth. The hungry, honest, grateful and sincere heart will find the truth, but it will be met with a lot of opposition by those who couldn’t proceed on the path for one reason or another. Continue reading