The Transformative Power of Meditative Movement

The Transformative Power of Meditative MovementAmelia Harris – In our modern world, we are constantly seeking ways to reconnect with ourselves on a deeper level and find inner harmony. Amidst this pursuit, the ancient practice of meditative movement through dance offers a transformative pathway to self-discovery and wholeness.

Beyond the realm of mere physical exercise, dance becomes a sacred journey where the body, mind, and spirit merge in perfect harmony, guiding us towards profound insights and a profound connection with our authentic selves. Continue reading

Fierce Times. Calling Out Your Courage & Love

danceJane’s Dancing Hands – UP! Feeling fierce, here.  I’m going to roar for you and JDH clap hard.  (Roar if you like, too.)  We are going to do a little banishing of that which is not the best and highest good and send it all to the light because it’s big-time stand-up time and we need more space for this dance of bringing more light to this world.

Contrast is real. Truth — I see both: Light and the absence of light.  Life and death.  Despair and hope. Love and fear.  Who will win?  What do you feed? Where is your attention?

My beloved saw a license plate yesterday: <3 IS GR8R.  Right?  Love is Greater! Right! The world is wobbling, but always trying to regain its balance. Love is the best way in and through.. I like the t-shirt which reads, “Not to give away the ending, but everything is going to turn out all right.”  I have it on good authority this is true, (thank you, God), yet, we have to buckle up, Sweetheart. Again? Look around. Whether you watch the news or no: Game on.

Focus. Continue reading

The Amazing Health Benefits Of Dancing

danceGreen Med Info – The evidence-based health benefits of dancing are numerous and profound. In fact, if dancing were a drug it would be considered unethical not to use it.

If you already love to dance, you know how easy it is to work up a sweat on the dance floor. Far from the monotony of the treadmill, dancing is an exercise that engages not only the body, but also our creativity and sense of fun. Who knows where a dance will take you? When the music starts playing, it can feel almost like a trance: toes start tapping, hips begin to sway, and before you know it, you are creating your own moves that flow from within—no choreographer needed! Dancing can be a deep release that melts away stress and worry, while simultaneously delivering a great workout. Talk about a win-win! Continue reading

The Last Dance

dance Maureen Moss – During this time I was made aware that the prophesied last dance (what many have called Armageddon), between the Darkness of 3rd dimensional consciousness and the Light of 5th dimensional consciousness is taking place within our beings now… and in turn…reflecting (and playing itself out) in the great external mirror.

Few amongst us are unaffected by this intense  dance whirling and spinning us in all directions, at one time, in an attempt to capture our attention and alliance. One is the dance of enslavement and conflict… the other of freedom and Divine Love. One we have lived with for eons of time…one we have longed for even longer.

For each of us the last dance is personal not collective. Though the collective is obviously feeling the pressure and experiencing a shift in ‘reality’ at a grand level…were we to toss this dance off as something everybody is going through… we would miss what is ours to personally resolve, what is ours to personally remember and what is ours to add to the Light, the Love and the Consciousness of a new humanity.

We are at a crucial tipping point in our personal evolution… that is why the heat of the dance is on us. We are literally in the stargate of all potential to physically enter a new reality system.

We didn’t incarnate to live 3D lives. We didn’t incarnate to battle dual natures created in great part by a mind that attempts to control our thoughts until it owns them…and then turns them back on us to control our behavior.

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Have Faith In Yourself, And You Will Be A Happier Person.

Inspire Me Today May 19 2013

Most of what I have learned in my few years here on this beautiful planet is to always keeps a positive attitude. Remember that when you are dealing with others.

Sometimes you might feel you are a recipient of a bad attitude, but what you have to remember is that while you may be really jovial, they may be facing some kind of problems in their life that is reflecting in their attitude. Remember that this has nothing to do with you. You are not the only one with problems and you should take into consideration other people and their problems. I have learned that because I am extremely sensitive. I usually have a very happy outlook on life and am always smiling and if someone doesn’t return that I would feel like it’s a reflection on me and that I did something wrong.

This also goes along with my career especially in regards to auditions. When you are auditioning and you feel you did well but don’t get offered the part, it has nothing to do with you. You may not fit with the requirement of what they are looking for. For example, you could simply be too tall, too short, blonde instead of brunette.

The thing is to always keep a positive attitude. Remember who you are, put in what you feel is proper dedication, be a good person, make a few mistakes, but on the whole, don’t feel you did something wrong or not up to par. Have faith in yourself, and you will be a happier person. Mostly your attitude will reflect on others.

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