Healing Herbs You Can Grow This Spring

grow herbs at homeNick Polizzi – Planting an herb garden is the perfect way to bring in the spring, and we humans have been doing it for thousands of years.

Putting our hands in the soil nourishes something deep within us, and there is now scientific evidence that gardening holds a number of measurable health benefits. The data shows that tending to flowers and simply being in nature can calm anxiety, lift symptoms of depression and lower blood pressure!

Not to mention the amazing flavor and nutrients that fresh garden-goodies bring to every meal. Continue reading

Ancient Medicines That Already Live In Your Home

vinegarNick Polizzi – Every week, we receive emails from folks who are eager to get ahold of the jungle medicines that were featured in the Sacred Science film. My first question to these passionate seekers is, “Have you explored the traditional herbal remedies that are available in your neck of the woods?” More often than not, the answer is no.

Yes, there is something intoxicating and mysterious about paddling down a foliage-entwined river to a remote village where there is rumored to be a powerful shaman. But similar practices exist all over the world, and many are available in or near your home.

Today I’m going to focus on three natural medicines that are so easy to find that they may already live in your kitchen!

Garlic – Allium sativum

I’d like to start with Allium sativum, or garlic – not only out of respect for my Italian roots, but because it is quite possibly the most potently practical medicinal herb on the planet. We all know this strong-charactered little bulb for its delicious flavor and aroma, but I’m often baffled by how few people use it medicinally for its plethora of healing applications. Continue reading

You are a Dandelion

fictionalLori Lothian – Do you imagine the you who thinks it wants to experience enlightenment is solid? That this identity is as dense as say, a block of wood or a boulder?

Because if your fictional self is getting ready to let go, once and for all, it’s really more like a dandelion gone to seed. Sure, you can see the shape of the flower that was once a vibrant and thick yellow, but we all know that the white wispy phase is delicate and fragile—ready to blow to pieces.

All it takes is the wind of grace.

So, how do you know that your fictional self is just about to fly to the four winds so that the truth of who you have always been becomes apparent?

Well, if you are disillusioned with life, if it has whacked you with disappointment and loss, the fictional self is more than likely going to seed. The hardship crucible of enlightenment is a common one—we all know that folks like Byron Katie and Echart Tolle have tales of pre-awakening existential crisis.

But I’ve learned there is another, gentler way. I call it the portal of non-ordinary reality, also known as magic. And it’s not everyone’s cup of enlightenment tea. But it’s the tea I was sipping in the years leading to my awakening shift.

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Top Herbs That Lead To Quick Weight Loss

“For people who eat when they are stressed, [peppermint] is a great herb to drink as a tea, take as a supplement or use as an essential oil.” Sandeep

weight loss
Dandelion blossom jelly

Sandeep ~ Individuals who carry an excess amount of weight on their frames can face a number of health problems. Being overweight has been linked to an increase in blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. In addition, being overweight makes it more difficult for people to move and exercise and these effects often domino. Being sedentary can lead to a greater weight gain as well as an increase in the above health conditions.

Making lifestyle changes, such as eating more healthy foods and exercising on a regular basis, is a great way to get started losing weight. Sometimes the progress can seem a bit slower than the individual would like it to be. The following herbs help to increase the amount of weight loss so that results are seen more quickly.


The oft-maligned dandelion weed is actually a powerful aid in the weight loss arena. Each part of the lowly dandelion flower and herb can be ingested. In addition to it being prized for its cleansing properties, dandelion helps to neutralize toxins, keep blood sugar levels normal, reduce inflammation and make the body more alkaline. An individual can consume dandelion as a tea, in the form of a supplement or eat some of the leafy greens.

Milk thistle

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Dandelion Blossom Jelly


DandelionBlossomJellyWhen I see the dandelions, I know that spring has finally made its way here. It’s a time of warmer weather, more sunshine and getting the garden ready for the growing season And, what better way to celebrate the coming of a new season than to preserve it.

I was telling my friend, Daisy Luther about all of the dainty dandelions popping up in my yard and she passed along a recipe for dandelion jelly for me to try from her upcoming book, The Organic Canner.

My daughters and I went out and picked 10 cups of dandelions blossoms and had the most wonderful time talking about what went on during our day. The hardest part of this was cutting the stems from the blossoms. It was, after all 10 cups worth of blossoms. But I was determined to try this recipe out, and I harvested blossoms until my fingers turned yellow from the petals. The process was easy and the result is delicious! Now that I have made this, it has become one of my top favorite jellies. It has a taste and color that resembles honey, and is delicious on baked goods, or as a topping in your oatmeal.

Next time you see dandelions in your yard, don’t run them over with the lawn mower! Remember, they are edible and pick them to use in recipes.

Dandelion Blossom Jam

If you are lucky enough to live in (or visit) an area that you are absolutely certain does not spray pesticides, you can join the bees and enjoy some Dandelion Nectar – except yours will be in the form of jam.

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