Dark Left Starting Soft Civil War [Video]

ShippGreg Hunter –  Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says, “I would say we are in a soft civil war, and the ones that are starting this civil war, and they have gotten more aggressive almost by the day. They are what you call the “Dark Left.” They are no longer the party of JFK. They are the Deep State, and the shadow government are at war with the founding principles of this country.

They are at war specifically with Donald Trump because he has actually stood in the face of the Deep State and in the face of the Congress and Senate, which is riddled with corruption. This Dark Left civil war they started is intensifying.

Then you have the rest of Americans out there that are good and patriotic God and country people that are on the other side of this civil war. They are peaceful and keep their mouth shut for the most part, but the notes and emails I get say they are fed up with what these people are doing.

The ultimate goal, of course, is the Constitution itself, which they believe was written by bigoted old European white men. So, their target is the Constitution and the founding principles of freedom and faith. That is their target.”

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