The USA’s Democracy Crisis: How We Can Restore This Nation?

The USA's Democracy Crisis: How We Can Restore This Nation?Molly Slag – The issue of whether the USA is a democracy continues to arise. The simple truth is: No, the USA is not a democracy, not even a representative democracy, although it once was. That needs to change if America is to survive.

Theoretically, we live in a democracy. Schools then and now keep saying America is a democracy, and our federal constitution and all our state constitutions say we are a democracy. But today, the actual structure of our federal government and of all our state governments violates all those constitutions, so democracy is effectively dead.

Let me explain. Continue reading

When Does the Deep State Morph into the Police State in Our Country?

K.S. Guardiola – I recently watched a German-made political movie, The Lives of Others, which was released back in 2006.  Every American should take the opportunity to watch this movie, for it portrayed the destructive consequences for the people and a society living under what was formally an all-powerful East German police state.

The East German state police agency, the Stasi, was granted virtually unlimited power to monitor and spy on the lives of their citizens with the objective of maintaining absolute control over all aspects of the personal and professional lives of its people.  The Stasi was renowned for being highly proficient and effective in its ability to subjugate East Germany’s citizens.

This movie is a warning to Americans about the dire consequences of increasing the powers of the state.  Too many Americans take for granted the continued blessings of our great American system, instituted by the Founding Fathers, based on the premise that man can rule himself. Continue reading

Facebook bans the Declaration of Independence, flags it as “hate speech”

facebookMike Adams – In the latest wake-up call that Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter censorship is completely out of control, Facebook recently banned a post that shared a section of the Declaration of Independence.

The Vindicator, a small-town Texas publisher, was sharing text from the document when Facebook banned it, citing “hate speech” guidelines. Reports The Vindicator:

Somewhere in paragraphs 27-31 of the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson wrote something that Facebook finds offensive.

Leading up to Independence Day, The Vindicator challenged its Facebook followers to read the Declaration of Independence. To make it a little easier to digest that short but formidable historic document, the newspaper broke the Declaration down into 12 small bites and one to post each morning from June 24 to July 4.

The first nine parts posted as scheduled, but part 10, consisting of paragraphs 27-31 of the Declaration, did not appear. Instead, The Vindicator received a notice from Facebook saying that the post “goes against our standards on hate speech.” Continue reading

It Is Our Right, It Is Our Duty

willBix Weir – Looking at the bright side of things can be a very difficult thing at times. In the United States of America, it has never been harder than right now.

We are being stripped of our liberty, our freedom and our assets. Our governing bodies are all bought and paid for and our land, water and food is purposefully being polluted and destroyed. We are even forcing our will upon other nations and other people who want just as much to be free in their own countries. There has never been a worse time to be living as a citizen of the United States of America.

Having said that – there has never been a better time in the history of our country where the will and desire to overthrow our leaders has been stronger! We still think we are a FREE People and with that understanding embedded in our hearts and minds, when the time comes, we WILL stand up and overthrow our current controllers. Continue reading

Set Yourself Free

“Sooner or later, all obsolete vows need to be released in order to set yourself free from the invisible chains of self-imposed limitation. Any vows taken in past lives with no expiration date are typically inappropriate in the way they affect later lives.” O K Waters

OwenKWatersBack in the Middle Ages in Europe, the popular path towards spirituality was to become a monk or a nun. Monasteries and convents were well funded as their local populations were compelled by law to, not only attend church on Sundays, but also to donate 10 percent of their incomes to the church.

Monks and nuns took vows which relieved them of the distractions of having to make a living. They took vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Freed from the distractions of laboring for pay or supporting a family, they were able to spend many hours per day in worship and contemplation. The obedience part of the vow was thrown in for good measure because it suited those in charge.

The problem is that, once a vow is taken, it becomes stored in your subconscious mind which, unlike your physical brain, lives on after death and reincarnates with your spirit into each new life.

If you are struggling today with money issues, close relationships, or you feel a lack of the initiative that could solve your problems, you probably took a vow of poverty, chastity and obedience in a past life. Such vows seemed like a good idea at the time but, because reincarnation was banned from the teachings of the Bible, no one realized what trouble this would cause in future lives. Continue reading