The Bliss Of Pure Being

The Bliss Of Pure BeingJafree Ozwald – There is nothing you need to do, and there is nowhere you need to go to find what your soul is truly seeking. This bliss is who you are. It is what resides in the core of your being. When you get very quiet and go inward with infinite patience, you will eventually see this bliss has always been here waiting for you to arrive. The eternal vast presence of peace and extreme joy is inside you.

Simply be in this world, yet not of it. Meaning do not be attached to this world, and the glorious bliss of pure Being will find you. It is sooo simple and effortless that you could easily run around your whole life seeking for it in the outer world and miss it. It is always available in this now moment within you. You can access it by surrendering your mind to a few minutes of silence. Continue reading

The Bliss Of Pure Being

The Bliss Of Pure BeingJafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher -There is nothing you need to do, and there is nowhere you need to go to find what your soul is truly seeking. This bliss is who you are. It is what resides in the core of your being.

When you get very quiet and go inward with infinite patience, you will eventually see this bliss has always been here waiting for you to arrive. The eternal vast presence of peace and extreme joy is inside you.

Simply be in this world, yet not of it. Meaning do not be attached to this world, and the glorious bliss of pure Being will find you. It is sooo simple and effortless that you could easily run around your whole life seeking for it in the outer world and miss it. It is always available in this now moment within you. You can access it by surrendering your mind to a few minutes of silence. Continue reading

How to Manifest With Dream Dialoging

dream DialogingJafree Ozwald – Dream Dialoging is a powerful tool that can help anyone manifest their Dream Life. A Dream Dialog is a conversation with someone (or yourself) out loud where you talk about what you most want to manifest as if it has already happened. It is harnessing your imagination to act and feel as if you have already accomplished one of your dreams. It is super fun to do with a partner on a 20-30 minute walk. You take turns talking about how your dream/goal or desire JUST manifested for you. Speak in an excited voice as if you just won the lotto jackpot yesterday!!

Teach your partner how to communicate with you while Dream Dialoging so that they’re asking you questions that elicit more juicy details such as, “And then what happened?”, “So how did that feel for you?,” “How exciting! Tell me more!,” and ”Who was with you?” Continue reading

How To Physically Heal Yourself

body machineJafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher – Your body is an amazing healing machine that has automatic processes built into it to ensure that it maintains a state of perfect health. Science has found that your body’s cells naturally regenerate themselves at different speeds, depending upon where they are located in the body.

For instance, the cells of the eye take only 48 hours to regenerate themselves, whereas the cells of the liver take about 6 weeks to completely replicate themselves. In one year from today, your entire body will contain 100% brand new cells where you will physically not be the same person that you are today! Continue reading

How To Become A Manifesting Master

Jafree Ozwald | January 1 2013

BuddhaManifesting an amazing life that is rich with loving abundant experiences comes only through being connected to the God Source. When you are relaxed, centered in your bodymind and detached from having to manifest your desires so that you can become momentarily “happy”, you can easily connect to this infinite loving power within. Being connected to the God Source is what allows everyone to know they are on the right path, and desires can manifest or not, and they are still happy. Whenever you are attached to a certain outcome to “bring you happiness” you are coming from a fearful needy place and ultimately feeling disconnected to the God Source. When you are coming from the God Source, you are feeling at peace, empowered and grateful for life just as it is, and the Universe simply tends to hand over every need and desire to you.

“In order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn’t mean you give up your intention to create your desire…and you don’t give up the desire. You give up your attachment to the result.” ~ Deepak Chopra

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