Hubbard: From Limits to Growth to UN Agenda 2030

Hubbard: From Limits to Growth to UN Agenda 2030John Klyczek – For decades, New Age guru Barbara Marx Hubbard preached a futurist gospel of “conscious evolution” guided by “love and light.” Yet, at the same time, in stark contrast, Hubbard also touted Malthusian population control.

If Hubbard called for the human population to be culled, then how could she have genuinely floated her dreams of conscious evolution sincerely upon the “self-actualization” mantras of the Human Potential Movement or the “co-creation” ethos of her New Age homilies?

While Hubbard’s advocacy for population control contradicts the benevolent rhetoric of her New Age spiritualism, her Malthusianism cohesively aligns with her championing of transhumanism. Continue reading

As Mass Awakening Accelerates They’re Getting Desperate

As Mass Awakening Accelerates They're Getting Desperate Alexandra Bruce – Attorney Todd Callender joins Man in America’s Seth Holehouse and says, “Let’s talk about the good news…

For the first time in a few years, I have confidence that our species will survive this. We have to confront that this is a genocide. It’s been planned since at least 1994, with the agreement of all the governments on this planet to depopulate the planet and this was the chosen methodology. Continue reading

Germany Orders Farms To ‘Cease Operating’ As WEF Demands ‘END of Farming’

Planned Famine: Germany Orders Farms To ‘Cease Operating’ As WEF Demands ‘END of Farming’Sean Adl-Tabatabai – The World Economic Forum (WEF) wants to drastically reduce the world’s population via orchestrated food shortages across the globe, which they will blame on ‘global warming.’

This coordinated attack on the world’s food supply was ramped up this week when the government of Germany ordered farmers to drastically reduce their use of fertilizers in an effort to comply with WEF’s agenda. Continue reading

The Real Threat to Democracy

The Real Threat to Democracy James Gilliland – First we want to point out we live in a Republic with the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, not a democracy. Your government is a service corporation contracted to provide good faith and services to the American people. They have all sworn oaths to protect the people and the original Constitution and act in the highest and best good of the people.

The vast majority of our leadership have broken that oath, became self-serving and have voided the contract. The acting president stated clearly the rights given in the constitution are not absolute and demonstrated it redundantly by the consistent violations of your rights. Freedom of speech, the right to privacy, innocent until proven guilty, right to a fair and speedy trial by one’s peers, and now gun rights are all in jeopardy. Continue reading

UK and US Report HUGE Spike in Hepatitis in Children

hepatitis, coronavirus scamdemic, vaccineMark Patricks – Dozens of children are suddenly being stricken with a life-threatening strain of unknown-origin hepatitis in the UK, Spain and America. Oh my gosh! Could it be climate change?! Meanwhile, health officials in Australia are throwing their hands up in the air in bewilderment as that country experiences a 40% spike in heart attacks in recent months.

The culprit of all these adverse health effects is so obvious to most people in the general public that we just want to grab these officials and shake them. They should stop lying to us. We all know what’s causing this. Continue reading