What Is Your Life’s Main Intention?

“There are powers inside of you which, if you could discover how to use… everything you ever dreamed or imagined you could become.”  – Orison Swett Marden

What Is Your Life's Main Intention?Jafree Ozwald – What is the main intention of your life?  Why are you here?  What do you wish to see manifest for yourself, others, and this entire world?  Take some time to think about this.  Is there anything more important for you to think about?

The mind often gets snagged by the thoughts it had yesterday and the day before, so let’s plant and water some new seeds here!  What does the greatest garden you wish to grow look like?  If you don’t have a clue, remain very curious about it and don’t give up on your curiosity!

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How To Be Grounded In God

godJafree Ozwald – What is God? The Source of God is the foundation of your very being. It is your essential essence, your true life force and the very fabric of your soul. When you can fully relax inside yourself, you create room to fully connect with this Divine Source from which every life experience is emanating from.

The deeper you can let go and rest into your body and mind, the deeper you dive down the rabbit hole, discovering that this experience of God is the foundational truth of who and what you really are. When you fully realize that God exists inside you, there is a feeling of deep relief like nothing you’ve ever experienced in your entire life.

It’s as if you were holding your breath under water all this time and have exploded up to the surface for your first breath of air. You feel like you can take in life in its totality, with such a great lightness and buoyancy, that you often feel like you’re floating on air. Continue reading

How To Honor Your Desires Without Grasping, Denying or Bypassing

desireLissa Rankin – Desire. How easily it confuses us! To live a deeply fulfilling life, are we meant to follow the teachings of dominant culture, which encourage us to “Just do it,” grasping for our desires, using will and force to “make it happen?” Or are we supposed to visualize, affirm, meditate, and create vision boards about what we desire so we can leverage our spiritual power to “manifest” our wishes?

Are we better off surrendering our desires to some Higher Power, leaving only the desire to align with Divine Will? Are we meant to lean into our desire as Rumi and the Sufis do—reveling in the deliciousness of unmet longing as a path to that which we ultimately desire—the Beloved? Continue reading

Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

airThe Angels – Take a breath dear ones. Stop and feel the air flowing into your lungs. Drink your fill for there is more than enough to go around. Relax. Allow the air to leave of its own accord and as it does, simply intend that any frequencies that no longer serve you be carried away with it.

If you did this exercise, you just focused upon a miracle. Thee are millions of miracles that occur in every moment of every day of your life. There are millions of miracles in every inch of your body, in every firing of your nerve cells to think just one conscious thought, in every breath, in every beat of your heart. Thousands of cells and processes must be coordinated, timing must be impeccable, just for these simple things in your human body to function; things that most of you necessarily take for granted. Dear ones, if the creator can cause you to breathe and cause your heart to beat, can you imagine how beautifully this same force of love can orchestrate the coordination of your dreams?

You do not control your breathing, or your heart beat. You trust in them. Try to apply this same level of trust to your life. You have prayed for help. You have aligned your energy with a desire. Then dear ones, the entire universe is working to bring you what you have asked for… or better. You do not try to hurry up your heart beat. You do not try to force air into your lungs. You receive. You allow. You surrender…

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How To Master Your Desires

“When we feel we are powerless, our ego most wants to change the things in our world.” ~Gregg Braden

desireJafree Ozwald – The burning energy of desire is essential to life. Without it, we would have no forward movement. There wouldn’t be an urge to take action or create anything. We would all be sitting in the dark, just being very still, and barely breathing. We wouldn’t want to eat, dance, sing, or be fully self-expressed. The vital essence of desire is what keeps you alive. It’s the magical fuel that propels your life into tomorrow, allowing you to create and recreate yourself in a multitude of outrageous ways.

We are all born into this world with desires. We come out of the womb seeking a warm soft cozy place to snuggle, a breast full of milk to suck on, and a safe place to learn, grow, and be nurtured. At our deepest core, we all yearn to be touched, held and loved. If these needs are not attended to throughout our childhood, they end up fueling a plethora of adult addictions later in life. We smoke, overeat, and seek sex in a desperate attempt to return to that sweet cozy warm breast. Having these core needs met at a young age are essential components to an enlightened maturity, and having a healthy, happy, and fulfilled adult existence.

The major challenge here is that most of us didn’t get our natal needs met as children. We grew up physically, yet not emotionally as these basic core needs were continuously denied. They also morphed into a variety of very specific and sometimes complex “adult desires”. We may become hooked on watching our favorite TV show, or obsessed with making money in the stock market, or buying another pair of overly priced shoes at the mall. All these efforts to feel good inside only mask, numb and distract ourselves from truly going to the core and getting our natal needs finally met. Continue reading