Tips for Keeping Your Digestive System Healthy

digestionDr. Edward F. Group – Your digestive system is where it all begins. You won’t produce energy, have a balanced mood, or fight illness if you can’t digest, break down, and absorb nutrients. There are many simple things you can do to keep your digestive system healthy, many of which are completely free. Whether it’s exercise, stress reduction, or even enzyme or probiotic supplementation, all can provide enormous benefit to digestive processes.

Tips for Healthy Digestion

Digestion begins in the mouth when you begin to chew. In fact, just the act of chewing thoroughly can take a huge strain off your digestive system by prompting your body to provide enzymes to help digestion. Here are a few other things you can do to promote healthy digestion. Continue reading

What Happens When You Eat A Teaspoon of ‪Turmeric‬ Daily?

turmericHealthy Life – You should know that turmeric is one of the best anti-aging, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory super spice with a whole range of amazing health benefits. After you read the following you’ll start adding a teaspoon of it in each of your meals.


Decrease inflammation – long-term inflammation is connected to disease which cause long-lasting damage and eventually leading to death. If you have additional help in decreasing inflammation, then it means that your body can retain overall health.

Decrease the risk of brain disease – the risk of brain diseases are decreased in the correlation to the increase of BDNF hormone in your brain. All this is due to the improved functioning of the brain and can also reverse the effects already present in the brain. Continue reading

Herbs that Naturally Support Digestion and Regularity

digestiveLauren Kent – Mother Nature provides a host of natural remedies to ease many common digestive complaints. These herbs have been used traditionally by native cultures for years to soothe upset stomachs, promote regularity and address other digestive ailments.

Licorice: This sweet treat has a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine for treating digestive health issues. Licorice contains antioxidant flavonoids called glabridin that help keep your stomach acid balanced.

Cascara Sagrada: Spanish for “sacred bark”, Cascara Sagrada has been used for centuries by Native Americans as a natural laxative. The bark of the botanical contains anthraquinone, a plant compound that works by mildly irritating the colon, thereby stimulating bowel evacuation.

Chinese Rhubarb: First cultivated medicinally in ancient China, this species of Rhubarb has been used for thousands of years as a mild laxative. The root of this perennial also supports overall healthy digestion.

Fenugreek: Women who are breastfeeding may know fenugreek for its ability to promote milk flow, but the herb has several additional medicinal uses. Fenugreek’s high fiber content makes it a natural bulk-forming laxative. The herb also helps restore your body’s healthy digestive function. Continue reading

12 Reasons Why Apple Cider Vinegar Will Revolutionize Your Health

CollectiveEvolution  June 2 2014

“Your intestinal flora are a big part of your body’s immune system. It makes sense then that improving the conditions for the growth of friendly bacteria with apple cider vinegar can help improve your overall immunity. The malic acid in ACV is also a strong antiviral, perhaps one of the reasons people often say they experience fewer colds when they take apple cider vinegar in water daily.” ~J. Roberts


appleCiderVinegarRecently, one of my good friends shared with me her story of how she cured her eczema naturally using apple cider vinegar (ACV). Since she was a young girl, her skin would break out in painful, itchy rashes which she would treat with doctor prescribed and recommended steroid creams. However, these creams had a detrimental effect on her skin over time, and eventually she had to stop using them, being left to deal with the extremely uncomfortable disease. Her quality of life was almost always compromised, admitting to me that she found it difficult being present while living with the ailment.

After doing some research, she came across people`s personal stories about how they cured their eczema and psoriasis with a simple solution of ACV. She decided to give it a shot. In a spray bottle, she diluted a few table spoons of ACV with room temperature water and sprayed her affected area. She said it stung for the first minute, but the results blew her away. In just a FEW DAYS, her eczema break-out had completely vanished. This was all from a cheap, organic, 1 ingredient remedy. While the proper medical studies haven’t been conducted at this point, my friend’s story stood as a first-hand account of the treatment really working. After looking into the matter further, I discovered the massive amount of ACV success stories that were out there.

What is Organic Apple Cider Vinegar?

Real organic apple cider vinegar, is made by fermenting pressed apple juice until the sugars turn to vinegar. Importantly, it should be made from organic apples and be unheated, unfiltered and unpasteurized to keep the ‘mother’ intact.

The ‘mother’ in apple cider vinegar is visible as cloudy strings in the bottom of the bottle and is full of beneficial enzymes, pectin and trace minerals. It is worth shaking the bottle each time before using ACV to distribute these elements.

Alongside all of the other health benefits of apple, substances like malic acid are formed in the creation of apple cider vinegar, giving it antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. This is a big part of what makes it so good for your skin. Let’s take a look at some of the common benefits of apple cider vinegar to see just how it can revolutionize your health!

12 Known Benefits of ACV

1. Improved Digestion Continue reading

Derek Henry ~ 10 Critical Upgrades For A Healthier Body

NaturalNews  May 30 2014

According to the EWG, the scientific evidence is increasingly clear that eating too much of greenhouse gas-intensive animal meats boosts exposure to toxins and increases the risk of a wide variety of serious health problems, including heart disease, certain cancers, obesity and, in some studies, diabetes.” ~D. Henry

smoothieIt is often difficult for people to completely drop old health compromising habits and pick up completely new ones, even if it is a better choice for their health. Due to that fact, transition is an important strategy. Here are 10 upgrades to transition to in order to reach that next level of health.


Upgrading water is one of the most important factors to consider when becoming healthy. Ditch the contaminated tap and hormone disrupting plastic bottled water and choose spring, mineralized, or filtered water instead.


Don’t start the most important meal of the day with coffee and sugary cereals. This is a bad way to wake up the digestive system and it will not adequately power anyone through their morning.

Opt for a superfood smoothie instead that is full of enzymes, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, fiber, and other health promoting nutrients. Incorporate high quality superfoods for the most benefits.


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