October 2023 Energy Report

October 2023 Energy ReportJennifer Hoffman – I know it feels like we’re in a never ending cycle of chaos, confusion, and calamity. The world feels dark and we’re ready for the light to come in and brighten away all of the darkness away. That is happening now although not as quickly as we would like for it to. Although we know chaos is a by-product of dis-integration and confusion is part of the 4D bridge transcension it isn’t helpful when you have been standing on the 5D side of 4D waiting for the bridge to be rolled up so we can get on with the rest of our ascension journey.

It is happening and we have seen a lot happen since May and even in the past 3 years, although much of it was not exactly what we thought would be included in our ascension experience. We did not expect the tyranny, control, and yet we should not have been surprised at this outcome.

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January 2023 Monthly Forecast

January 2023 monthly forecastLena Stevens – We start the year with a neon sign telling us to SLOW DOWN.  Slow everything down, go inward, rest more, keep a “don’t know mind” about everything, reflect, feel, process, and align your heart with your mind. We are conditioned to want to charge out of the gate with our new intentions and resolutions, ready for action, but that is not what is in the cards for the first part of this month.

Acceptance, one of the traits of the year, will be of great help in keeping frustration, impatience and irritability at bay. Resistance will only cause suffering and keep you from being fully present for the actual opportunities that a time like this has to offer.  You will need to be ultra-flexible in your schedule, your routines, and, most of all, in your expectations. Be willing to release a plan and to accept things just the way they are. To the extent you stay in blame or resentment, you cannot create something new in its place. Continue reading

Hope, Introspection, and Discernment

Hope, Introspection, and DiscernmentHenry Seltzer – December dawns in the wake of an optimistic Sagittarius New Moon from the final week of the previous month that was exactly coincident with the station to direct motion of Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, in the last two degrees of Pisces.

This marks the closing degrees of the entire zodiac, and the signature of this event on a collective level in is one of preparing for a better future then the one that we currently inhabit. On an individual level as well there is definite cause for optimistic assessments moving forward, as the year begins to unwind and as we leave certain previous difficulties in the real-view mirror, including the pandemic, or at least hopefully so.

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Consciousness VS Awareness: What’s the Big Difference?

awarenessDylan Harper – What is the difference between awareness and consciousness? How are the two concepts interlinked? Keep reading to find out about the hidden secrets of the universe!

Imagine yourself in the middle of a forest, being chased by a bear. The rustling of leaves behind you burgeons your pace, causing a much needed adrenaline rush. As you run across the landscape, you search for possible escapes. You are aware of the trees, and the animal life in your vicinity (imagine the forest sounds), but you’re conscious about a possible, untimely end to the journey of your life.

And before the bear catches up, let’s snap back to reality and ward off the threat! Continue reading

Almost Everything the Left believes is complete fiction…

leftistsMike Adams – Listening to the daily hysteria of the left-wing media is a lesson in just how insane society can become if the masses are indoctrinated with deliberately false information for years on end. Nearly everything the Left believes is complete fiction, and it’s fiction by design. The very point of the left-wing media’s mass indoctrination of the gullible masses is to turn reality upside down and convince people that false things are real, while brainwashing them into thinking that real things are false.

One of the simplest recent examples of this is how the left-wing media, for weeks before the mid-term elections, condemned any mention of the Honduran caravan as “imaginary” and “fictional.” Across CNN, MSNBC, WashPost and the NYT, so-called journalists told the public there was no caravan and that anyone suggesting the presence of a caravan was trafficking in “conspiracy theories.” Continue reading