God wants you to know the love that breathes life into you

choose and trust God's love
“Love Sun & Mother Earth” – photographer Makiko

The Angels – In every heart there lies a wealth of knowing. Deep within you are all the answers you would ever seek. What is the next step in your life? Why are you here? How can you relate to others who don’t relate too well? All the answers lie within. Far more powerful than your search engines or your computers is the Infinite mind to which you all have access.

When something is bothering you, take a breath, drop into your heart, and ask one simple question, “Dear God, what do you want for me now? The answer may come as simply a quality the Divine wants to share with you – peace, relaxation, love. It may come as a message of love. It may come as a simple thing for you to do that would feel wonderful. “Dear God, Dear Divine Source, what do you want for me now?” Continue reading

Everything Counts. It can be no other way

it can be no other wayGillian MacBeth-Louthan – Everything that you do touches another, weaving a strand of time that seeks to be eternally experienced. There are no actions or interactions that are not in Divine proportion to each other. There is only the vibration of ‘all that is’ that seeks to be entwined with itself.

Like a tiny pebble that hits a silent lake, ripples are seen and felt from one end to the other. Everything counts and it can be no other way. When a supernova explodes its energy spreads throughout time and space, layering multi-dimensionally into a place that all can be seen and experienced. Continue reading

Feeling Fine And Aligned with the Divine

Feeling Fine Aligned with Divine!The Angels – There is upon your planet a great deal of fear right now, as the world slowly realizes that no amount of attempting to control others can guarantee your happiness, your safety, or your abundance. After centuries of attempting to control the external, it is time upon your earth when you are beginning to realize where your true power lies.

How is it some people sail through tough financial times with abundance? How does one person stay home and avoid a shooting while another is present for the incident? How is it that one person has freedom in their body while millions of others feel bondage? Continue reading

Who can you trust

trustThe Angels – In your world today, so many of you have been shaken, upset, and saddened by the seemingly random acts of violence that have erupted in the hearts of the hurting hurtful.

How do you make sense of what seems like a senseless loss of life? How do you feel safe in an uncertain world? How can you trust that you’ll be safe, or your children will be safe? We hear your cries. Much more importantly we see you striving not to fall into hate, hurt, and worse the desire to hurt back. We see you striving to love, striving to trust, and striving to live your lives in joy in spite of some of the really tough things you witness going on in your world. Continue reading

Our Help Is Needed Now – Divine Government

divinePatricia Cota Robles – The Light of God is now flowing through humanity’s fully restored Immortal Victorious Threefold Heart Flames in frequencies that we have not been able to withstand since we were first breathed forth from the Heart of our Father-Mother God. This Light is empowering every person’s I Am Presence in new ways that are allowing us to transcend the chaos in the outer-world, if we choose to do so.

We have been told by the Beings of Light that the purging process we are All experiencing is a necessary part of our ascension process. However, the degree of pain and suffering we experience during this process is being determined by how we choose to respond to the events occurring in our individual and collective lives. Continue reading