Transforming In Heart Consciousness

“We are not becoming a new humanity—we are allowing our Divine infinite consciousness to organize as our higher mind and physical body to emanate the true humanity that we are.” P Borys Jr

HeartStargateFrom the perspective of the thinking mind through the left brain, the process of transforming from one frequency to another is a paradox.  With the thinking mind, we perceive that we must change by identifying a belief, emotional encoding, or activity we do not like.  Once identified, the concept is to “change” it by working against it to replace it with the desired state.

In reality, the moment we try to change it by using any means, we actually reinforce its existence.  The duality consciousness of the censoring thinking mind and reactive emotional system perpetuates duality consciousness with its concept of change.  This is a self-replicating mechanism of the fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation.

We transform in heart consciousness by being fully aware of beliefs, encodings, activities, etc., as they are.  Our main effort is not to change, but to really see and feel the reality that is expressing that is less than our true being of Divine infinite consciousness.  Now, we do not have to do anything using a concept of change.  We allow our natural intention of our soul to emanate in the present moment.  True transformation is not of time.  Thus, it is not changing from one state to another.  It is a beyond time emanating shift of frequencies.  Therefore, in transformation, there is a seamless shift from one frequency organization to another.

Transforming Frequencies through Intent

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