You Are Never Far From The Light


Shanta Gabriel – Have you ever started to feel anxious and confused, and then noticed that you were not breathing?

Obviously our breath is a key to staying alive, but it also offers us an avenue for alignment. The yogis say that the Infinite Intelligence lives between the in-breath and the out-breath.

Our breath is a powerful tool for becoming more calm, settling our mind and creating an alignment within us to our Divine Source. Often the confusion and anxious feelings we are experiencing are because we have separated from our need to breathe more deeply. The body can literally begin to believe it will not get enough oxygen to survive, which causes the anxious sensations. Continue reading

Gifts Of Divine Light, Grace And Love

divine lightShanta Gabriel – Hark! The Herald Angels are singing. Can you hear the Angel voices? The Angels are calling you to rejoice in the Divine Love and the Light streaming onto the planet during this special time called Christmas.

Can you hear the Angels whispering to you? Listen with your heart. Allow your whole being to be receptive to these Divine Messengers who have watched over you throughout your Soul’s existence. They are here now with one voice singing for Peace on Earth and Harmony within all beings. Making a joyful noise, they offer you the gifts of Divine Light, Grace and a Love beyond your understanding. Receive it into your heart and shine this blessed Light out into the world.

Being receptive allows the gift of Divine Grace to fill your being. Grace is needed to sanctify the Earth, and to bring greater coherence, respect and an honoring of the gifts the Earth supplies freely in abundance. When humans honor the Earth, they also honor the elements of themselves that make up the Earth. Continue reading

You are never far from the Light

divine lightArchangel Gabriel – Your breath is your connection to God. Breathing is the first thing you do when you arrive on the  earth, and the last as you depart. Your breath feeds your body and mind the oxygen it needs to exist. Your breath also holds the power to create an expansion in your energy so you can be aware of your link to theSource of all life.

Divine Light is showering upon you at all times and it radiates from within your being to the world around you. This light holds the essence of peace and love. The more you are aware of your connection to this light, the happier you become.
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Mirror mirror

lightThe Angels – Life on earth is a mirror in which you look to see both your truth and your illusions. When you see beauty, goodness, grace, and inspiration you see truth. When you see violence, unkindness, untruths, etc. you see the illusions. If something is in front of you in the “outside world” and it creates an emotional charge, it is beckoning you to look within.

For example, say you see a beautiful sunrise and you feel yourself in awe. In truth you are in awe of the light within yourself. You are seeing the reflection of the beauty and light of the Divine! Suppose you see a beautiful flower. You admire its delicate strength. In that instant you are also connecting with your own delicate strength and admiring it within yourself.

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Without patience you can never understand the meaning of Divine Timing

Divine AA Gabriel – Your presence in the world in a conscious manner leads to the opening of the consciousness of all people. Your Soul’s task is to carry the light of love and truth with you wherever you go, no matter what you are doing. Through this intention you will bring more peace and light into the world.

Being a visionary, you see in your mind that which you wish to accomplish. It becomes your intention, as if you are taking aim, pulling back the bow and shooting your arrow toward your target. With this clarity, you will surely reach your mark. There is, however, the question of when.

At work in the world is the principle of Divine Timing. It is one of the immutable laws in the universe, such as Divine Order and Divine Justice. It is not something that you can push to make it go faster. There are times when you must wait upon the will of God in order to have your dream manifest in the most appropriate way for your highest good. This requires patience. It is sometimes difficult to have patience when you can see your vision so clearly. Often there is the desire to make it happen now. This is not God’s will but the ego’s will at work. You might be able to force the manifestation of certain parts of your vision, but it will not feel right once this occurs. It will feel as though you are pushing the river. When all is flowing according to God’s will, miracles occur. You can ride the wave of this energy and it feels effortless.


Imagine that you are at one of those points in your life when you want very badly to have a certain vision manifest. Let’s say you really want it now but you are struggling against a wall of obstacles. If you are mentally or emotionally tense, anxious and impatient, anything which you do physically at this time will be pushing at the energy which is already at work. It is at these times that you must step aside, even though it may be most difficult. Release your striving, and turn the whole situation over to God and the Angels.

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