Dreaming of Ruby Tuesday

Paul Rosenberg – Aria was girl of eight years, and she had a dog that she loved, named Ruby. For some reason her dad called the dog Ruby Tuesday, but that wasn’t her real name, which was just Ruby.

One night, for no reason she could think of, Ruby started appearing in a series of Aria’s dreams. This had happened before a few times, but these dreams were different… in these dreams Ruby could talk.

At first Aria didn’t tell her mom or dad about the dreams, but once she did, her parents told her that they wanted to write them down… because they were important in some way. And so she and her mom wrote them. This was the first: Continue reading

Dog, lost for 3 years, cries when reunited with owner [Video]

Dr. Eowyn – Giorgi Berejiani lived with his best friend, a black-and-white dog named Jorgé, in Tbilisi in the former Soviet republic of Georgia.

Three years ago, in 2015, Jorgé went missing.

Berejiani looked all over for Jorgé, in vain.

He asked his neighbors and friends to keep an eye out for the dog. And as the days turned to months and the months into years, Berejiani never gave up hope. Continue reading

A Powerful Spiritual Lesson You Can Learn From Your Dog

dogKaren Roy – We have often heard the term “it’s a dog’s life.” But what does that mean? You might limit your exploration of your dog’s life to a series of days, filled with seemingly mundane events. Your dog wakes up. Your dog goes outside to do their business. Hunger brings the dog to their bowl. When they are tired, your dog lies down and sleeps. (They sleep a lot actually.)

But what you are truly witnessing is an amazingly Zen example of living life in the moment. The word “Zen” is the Japanese attempt to say the Chinese word “Chan.” The Chinese word “Chan” translates to “Dhyana,” which is a Sanskrit word for “meditation.” And before you ask – no, your dog is not meditating. But your dog is showing you how to live very much in the moment.

And have you noticed how happy your dog is? Perhaps there is something to following your dog’s example. Perhaps there is something to living your life, as the French might say, al la mode, in the moment. Okay, maybe the French don’t say that. But why can’t you? Continue reading

Learning To Receive

jelailaLike most of us, I was taught that it is better to give than to receive.  It sure feels good to give…all that appreciation and positive energy can be a heady experience!

Like many of you, I find it hard to receive….that risk of rejection can get really uncomfortable.  Yet there are times in our life when our respective Soul and Guides present us with an opportunity to work through that fear; such an opportunity has been presented to me.

If you’ve followed my work for a while, you know that I am passionate about animal rescue. For the past several years I have  fostered, donated, and fundraised for various rescue groups.  In that time I have seen many dogs rescued and adopted into loving homes.

This past week I saw a Facebook posting for a little dog named Beau.  Beau, a tiny 2 year-old Italian Greyhound was rescued from a farm in Oklahoma where he was one of four neglected dogs living outside with little food and no shelter. All four were rescued and placed in foster care.  Beau, being the youngest and smallest (10 lbs.) was in the worst shape because he did not fight for what little food there was.  Continue reading