Deep State Pressing CV19 Fear Button for Control [Video]

Deep State Pressing CV19 Fear Button for ControlGreg Hunter – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is still on the frontlines of truth sounding the alarm on the CV19 “vaccine” and the death and disability from injecting it into billions of people around the world.  It looks like a new round of control from another CV19 bioweapon/vax pandemic scam is already brewing.

Dr. Tenpenny points out, “Now, with the reactivation with what they are trying to do with this new (CV19) variant, it’s nonsensical stuff.  Oh my gosh, we already have colleges that are shutting down and putting on masks, social distancing and self-quarantining. Continue reading

CV19 Vax is a Murder Campaign [Video]

CV19 Vax is a Murder CampaignGreg HunterDr. Sherri Tenpenny was one of the first doctors to sound the alarm on the CV19 “vaccine” and the death and disability that would come from its widespread use during the so-called Covid pandemic.  Increasing numbers of mass death and disability have proven her right.

Dr. Tenpenny has long been against the use of all vaccines because data shows they do much harm and little good.

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The House Of Cards Begins To Fall [Video]

lockdownJames Red Pills America  – In the words of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, as she stood boldly in front of the Ohio Legislature a few short days ago, “How could anyone in their right mind agree to take this shot?!”

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny takes the floor in favor of Ohio House Bill 248, The Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act – a bill aimed at protecting the right to vaccine refusal for the citizens of Ohio – and in doing so, she completely shreds the ‘Covid Lie’ naysayers! Continue reading

Banning Me From Talking Won’t Suppress Debate On Vaccine Damage [Audio]

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is an Osteopathic doctor with some strong opinions on Vaccines and the pharmaceutical industry.


She is due to visit Australia in a couple of months to participate in a seminar on the dangers of vaccines. However, a campaign has begun in Australia to deny her a visa and thus entry into the country.

SF Source RichieAllenShow  Jan 13 2015