Alligators on the path

Alligators on the path
Ann Albers

The Angels – Suppose you wanted to go for a beautiful walk to a lovely destination. You are eager for the journey. It is a beautiful day. The air is fresh and clear, and you anticipate a wonderful time. However, not far upon the path, you encounter a huge alligator! You can’t believe it. The creature is large and blocks the entire path. There is no way around him.

What to do? You wait a bit, but he’s not budging. You get frustrated and start to throw stones, and he becomes menacing. You say, “Get on! Go! Shoo!” and he growls. So here you are. You’ve been anticipating a fantastic walk, and now you’ve got a huge alligator in the path. Fighting him doesn’t work. Wishing he wasn’t there doesn’t make a difference. What to do? Continue reading

Dreams Are Another Reality

DreamRealityStairsSkyWaterE. Parkinson – Do you have dreams? Do you have nightmares? Are they real? Think about their reality for a minute.

When you are in the dream they are real and when you are in a nightmare the situation you are going through is all too real. Very often in a nightmare we are struggling to escape from the reality because it can be so painful, sorrowful, horrid or frightening. When we do get out of that world and back into this one we are very happy to have been able to escape from the nightmare. Continue reading

Stop Pouting and Start Creating

dreamsYou know you are different than before you exited 3D. And you know the same is true for your world – whether you define your world as the globe or your household. But those differences do not seem to be the peace, comfort, and joy we, of the Universes, prophesied.

So you are actively pursuing peace, comfort, and joy. And by doing so, you discover you have less energy to share with others and more need to explore within. Continue reading

The Remarkable Benefits of Following Your Dreams

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

dreamsPaul Lenda – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe has given us some excellent advice here. Are you following your dreams? Forget about seeing this as some sort of cliché. If your outer world isn’t reflecting what your inner world aspires to experience, you are going to have a bad time. Namely, you are going to have increased feelings of anger, fear, anxiety, resentment, envy, jealousy, misery, and a whole host of other emotions that will lead you down a dark road of feeling unfulfilled.

Everyone has something that excites them and lights a spark of wonder for them. There is always something that we can consider to be our “mission” in life and something that helps us become self-actualized. We call these dreams, but they are dreams that can usually become reality. Continue reading

The Remedy to a Life of Discontent

lifeNick Wolanski – Today there is a booming discontent industry. Consisting of entrepreneurs who cash in on your misery by selling you products that describe and decry it, thus the exchange economy finds a place even for its enemies: perpetuating both industry and discontent. As we struggle to fight them, we keep the wheels turning by selling more merchandise. And as in every other aspect of your lives, your real desires to make something happen are channelled into consuming- your abilities and potential are displaced, projected onto the “revolutionary” items you purchase.

Think about your direct bodily experience of life. No one can lie to you about that! How many hours a day do you spend in front of a television screen? A computer screen? Behind the windscreen of your car? All three screens combined?

What are you being screened from? Continue reading