Getting Help For An Addiction Is Closer Than You Think

drug addictionAddiction is a broad term that is used to describe a person that is doing the same thing over and over again, knowing that it can have a negative result on their health in the long run. The most common addiction in the present would be illegal drugs, prescription drugs, smoking, and alcohol. Others are also pointing out at video game addiction and work addiction as an additional concern because of the negative effects that it has on the body.

Drug addiction is a real issue in the world today, and we see a lot of governments trying to fight back the illegal drug trade. Using some of these harmful substances cause a lot of problems for society, driving the user to mania and psychosis that makes life too hard to handle. Their physical appearances also change, at times, making them unrecognizable.

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The Best Case Scenario – Drug Addiction

drug addictionThis is a serious topic that I won’t go down the usual road with. What you usually see online when it comes to this subject is people talking about the seriousness of addiction and the worst-case scenario of what happens to addicts who don’t get treatment. You know what I’m talking about: we’re told of people who start on a gateway drug, fall into an addiction, and before they know what hit them, they’ve lost their job. Then they lose their family, lose their homes and end up on the streets. Well, I’m not going to do that here. Instead, I’m going to talk about the best case scenario for getting treatment.

Before I get started, let me assure you that I’m not speaking as someone who’s never seen what addiction is like. I have not personally been an addict, but a close family member of mine is. This person, we’ll call him Brian (not his real name), began suffering from drug addiction pretty early in life, which is not at all an unusual occurrence.

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Top Health Concerns For Drug And Alcohol Addicts

There are a lot of medical problems that are associated with drug and alcohol addiction, and there are 15 listed below that you must take seriously if you want to live a healthy life. This might be the deterrent that makes you get clean, or you might need to talk these things over with your doctor as soon as possible.

1. Liver Damage

Liver damage happens as a result of alcohol abuse, and you need to be concerned if you wer eon prescription meds. Ask your doctor how you are doing because you might need a transplant.

2. Esophagus Damage

You could have burned your esophagus with alcohol or drugs, and you need to find out if you have tears or permanent damage that needs to be repaired. Continue reading

Police Dept. Calls Out Big Pharma, Helps Drug Addicts Instead of Jailing

Christina Sarich – The ‘drug war’ has been raging in America for decades, costing taxpayers millions, with no real change in the number of people addicted to drugs. We have, in fact, an entire generation of ‘legal’ drug addicts. But there is hope for meaningful change in this world of drug addicts and incarcerations – in Gloucester, MA.

Instead of locking up drug addicts, this police department has a policy of helping them; even better, they are calling out the real perpetrators behind the national drug addiction problem – pharmaceutical companies. You read that correctly – instead of throwing drug addicts in jail, the force uses real solutions that work, without any force, and without bleeding taxpayers dry.

Gloucester’s police department has initiated a program dubbed the “Angel” initiative. Instead of being handed criminal charges for their drug addictions, they are offered a chance to get help. The new program has already sent nearly 200 people to drug treatment centers.

Instead of following the DEA’s war-like raids on private homes and businesses suspected of housing drug addicts, the Gloucester Police Department has realized that it isn’t ‘street’ drugs causing the problem as much as Big Pharma flooding the streets with opiates. Some addicts get their fix from their own doctor’s prescription, and others are sold on a black market, after a ‘dummy’ patient visits as many as 12 doctors’ offices and pharmacies in a day. Continue reading