We Embrace the Path of Totality in the Year 2024

We Embrace the Path of Totality in the Year 2024

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – As we move forward dimensionally in this powerful Dragon Year of shifts and changes we come to a precipice of the self; not the self we have accrued along the incarnational way, but the original blueprint self, the one with factory settings, the one free of planetary downloads, uploads and reloads. Our Divine blueprint and original encoding floats to the surface like a long awaited 1000-petal Blue Lotus.

Like a cosmic set of dominoes, life-lines stand at attention like it has an earpiece and is listening to the voice of the Creator. Your inner likes, dislikes, and choices show the four directions of confusion. Time unwinds herself like a serpentine seductress as she instructs each of us how to shed the past thus freeing up time sequences that have been held hostage. We are shown how to elongate and shorten time arrangements in a personal landscape. Continue reading

Smoke and Mirrors

Smoke and MirrorsLorna Bevan – This astrology means business. Switch your bullshit detector on and take absolutely nothing at face value. The truth may be out there but it’s deliberately camouflaged, hidden and masked in power plays, subterfuge and fake agendas posing as reality.

Lord of Karma Saturn turns direct on October 23rd in Aquarius in a clash with Uranus/Node of Fate in Taurus. A partial solar eclipse at 2 Scorpio on the 25th of October anchors a seismic shock window that extends from October 18 to November 1.

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