Edward Snowden: The ‘Five Eyes’ Super National Intelligence Organization is Watchin You

surveillanceArjun Walia – More information regarding the United States’ massive surveillance program [link] has surfaced again, via Edward Snowden, an NSA whistleblower who stole thousands of classified documents before leaving the country.

Mainstream media networks in North America completely blacked out the interview, but that hasn’t stopped the information revealed during the interview from spreading across the planet.

Not only has your entire life been tracked, stored and recorded using multiple techniques, we now know that a “super national intelligence organization” known as the “five eyes” are behind it all, can do whatever they want, and are far beyond the laws of their own country.

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The CIA Unleashed

Ben Garrison – Our founding fathers never wrote the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) into our Constitution—and with good reason. An unaccountable institution that can hide under the claim of ‘national security’ at every turn while conducting secret operations that include routine violations of our Bill of Rights and even outright torture would be unthinkable to the great men who started our Republic.


The CIA has over 21,000 employees under a $15 billion dollar annual budget and perhaps more (think about the missing trillions just before the 9-11 attack). Add up the budgets of all the secretive alphabet agencies and it pushes $50 billion per year.

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Oliver Stone: Putin Is A Hero, Not An Enemy

stoneSean Adl-Tabatabai – Director Oliver Stone has urged the public to listen to what Vladimir Putin has to say, claiming that the Russian leader is a friend and not an enemy of the American public.

The Academy Award-winning director says his upcoming documentary about Putin “opens up a whole viewpoint that we as Americans haven’t heard,” and claims that if the American people ignore American propaganda about Russia, it could help prevent world war 3 from occuring.

Rt.com reports:

“It’s not a documentary as much as a question and answer session,” he said. “Mr. Putin is one of the most important leaders in the world and in so far as the United States has declared him an enemy – a great enemy – I think it’s very important we hear what he has to say.”

The film will present Putin’s viewpoint of political events since he was first elected president of Russia in March 2000.

“It opens up a whole viewpoint that we as Americans haven’t heard,” Stone told the newspaper, adding that his crew went to see the indefatigable Russian leader four times over the course of two years. Continue reading

History Of Intelligence Agencies And The Surveillance State

Activist Post – On January 15th, acTVism Munich hosted a live video conference called “Freedom & Democracy – Global Issues in Context” which featured a live interview with Edward Snowden, among other notable activists, whistleblowers and experts in various fields.

You can view Edward Snowden’s segment below with conference moderator, Zain Raza. Snowden covers the history of the Surveillance State, where we stand now, and what we can do to halt its continued growth.

The full four-hour event, which also includes Jeremy Scahill, Jürgen Todenhöfer, Paul Jay, Richard Wolff & Srećko Horvat, is available HERE.

SF Source Activist Post Jan. 2017

The Snowden Effect


surveillancePaul Rosenberg – I’ve never met Edward Snowden, so please understand that I’m not trying to besmirch his character. And the truth is that I was thrilled when his disclosures hit. I was managing a professional-level VPN and traveling widely, warning people (who were often skeptical) about state-level surveillance. Edward Snowden vindicated me.

But it’s now becoming clear that there is a serious down-side to the Snowden disclosures. I’ve been noticing it in my work at Cryptohippie and it has recently started to appear in scholarly literature.

For example, a new study from Oxford University (read about it here) shows that mass surveillance makes people less likely to read about surveillance topics online, and significantly so. Even page-viewing on Wikipedia has been affected.

A second study, from MIT, showed a “substantial empirical… chilling effect.” The study goes on to say that this chilling effect seems related to an “increased awareness of government surveillance.”

In other words, Snowden’s proof of surveillance made people turn away from the entire discussion. And there’s a reason for this.

Sooner Or Later, the Sword Must Be Seen

Again, I am not implying that this was Ed Snowden’s intent, but the fact remains that mass surveillance is never more than half-effective until people know about it. Consider this, please:

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