Ancient Sites And Pole Shifts

magneticJoseph P Farrell – The Gizars have been out in force this week combing through the internet, and that’s certainly true with today’s offering spotted and shared by M.S. (with a big thank you). And this one is a whopper doozie, being nothing less than an article from The Journal of Scientific Exploration by Dr. Mark Carlotto, which correlates the location of certain ancient and megalithic sites to poles that have since shifted.

If that seems highly significant, it is, the much more so because of the man who authored the article, Dr. Carlotto. Many Gizars will already be familiar with that name, but many may not recognize it, so a brief review of Dr. Carlotto is in order.

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Bosnian Pyramids – Changing World History

Semir Osmanagich – Almost everything they teach us about the ancient history is wrong: origin of men, civilizations and pyramids. Homo sapien sapiens is not a result of the evolution and biologists will never find a “missing link”, because the intelligent man is product of genetic engineering. Sumerians are not the beginning of the civilized men, but rather beginning of the most recent cycle of humanity. And finally, original pyramids, most superior and oldest, were made by advanced builders who knew energy, astronomy, geometry and construction better than we do.

In order to understand the ancient monuments, we need to view them through three realms: physical, energy and spiritual. Our scientific instruments are simply not adequate to explain the purpose of oldest pyramids, for example. Mainstream scientists, archaeologists, historians and anthropologists with their rigid approach, are often main obstacle for scientific progress. Continue reading