How to Manifest With Dream Dialoging

dream DialogingJafree Ozwald – Dream Dialoging is a powerful tool that can help anyone manifest their Dream Life. A Dream Dialog is a conversation with someone (or yourself) out loud where you talk about what you most want to manifest as if it has already happened. It is harnessing your imagination to act and feel as if you have already accomplished one of your dreams. It is super fun to do with a partner on a 20-30 minute walk. You take turns talking about how your dream/goal or desire JUST manifested for you. Speak in an excited voice as if you just won the lotto jackpot yesterday!!

Teach your partner how to communicate with you while Dream Dialoging so that they’re asking you questions that elicit more juicy details such as, “And then what happened?”, “So how did that feel for you?,” “How exciting! Tell me more!,” and ”Who was with you?” Continue reading

Free Your Mind

Some of my favorite movie lines come from the Matrix, often in the teacher student relationship between Morpheus and Neo.

During a training exercise, Morpheus responds to Neo when he asks, “are you trying to tell me I can dodge bullets?” Morpheus says, “no, I’m telling you that when the time comes, you won’t have to.”

Another comes from the martial arts training in the virtual dojo when Morpheus asks Neo,“ how did I beat you?” Neo says something like, “you’re too fast.” And Morpheus asks, “do you think that faster or stronger has anything to do with my muscles in this place? Is that air you’re breathing now?”

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How to Access Your Enlightened Infinite Nature

Jafree Ozwald – We are all Enlightened Beings in disguise. Every being is born with full access to the highest peak of consciousness. If you look into a baby’s eyes you will see it. The sparkle of their pure uncluttered untainted consciousness is there. You can see that there is no time or beliefs in control of their mind, there’s just pure presence and awareness. They are a divine loving presence naturally, without even trying their Enlightened Nature shines through. This consciousness is in all of us for we were all once a baby.

“All beings are from the very beginning Buddhas.” ~ Hakuin

If our Enlightened Nature is already here now, complete and whole in itself, why isn’t the entire world filled with an abundance of Enlightened Beings? There is one little thing called the “ego”. Continue reading

How To Naturally Increase Your Financial Frequency

Jafree Ozwald June 24 2013

“Life is full and overflowing with the new. But it is necessary to empty out
the old to make room for the new to enter.” ~ Eileen Caddy

Eileen CaddyHave you ever wondered why some people attract money quite easily, while others work 12 hour shifts every day and barely make ends meet? The big difference between these two groups of people is the financial frequency they are sending out. This frequency is a real live measurable field of energy, which is created by the thoughts, feelings and consciousness you have whenever you think about, speak about, or interact with money. People with a high frequency can attract money easily, while people with a low frequency have to struggle for money to flow their way…it’s that simple.

To increase the amount of money you can receive, it’s important to first understand what money actually is. Simply put, money is energy, and they call it “currency” because it was derived from the root word “current”. This current is a flow of electrons that produces a natural electrical magnetic field. The stronger the electrical current, the more intense the magnetic field becomes. The income you make each month is a by product from the electrical current you’re radiating out. The higher the income you receive, the stronger your magnetic field is and the easier it becomes for you to attract more of it. This is why rich people seem to effortlessly grow richer. They feel a higher financial frequency inside themselves, as they see what is physically in their bank account.

The good news is that you don’t need to acquire a massive pile of cash to increase your Financial Frequency. All you need is to learn how to think, feel, and interact with others in a consistently abundant way. Feel the magnetic field of energy around you now, this is what will start attracting real abundance to you. As the great law of attraction states, like attracts like. When you are living from a state of abundance consciousness for many consecutive weeks on end, the physical manifestation of more money will start materializing around you, through you, and eventually get magnetized into your bank account!

“Your prosperity consciousness is not dependent on money; your flow of money is dependent on your prosperity consciousness. As you can conceive of more, more will come into your life.” ~ Louise Hay

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You are a Conscious Manifesting Machine

Jafree Ozwald | January 10 2013

“If you can realize who you are, it means you know where you are coming from and where you are going.” ~St. Theresa of Avila

consciousnessIn every moment of your life you are creating something. Whether you are manifesting what you want or what you don’t want, all depends on how conscious you are in this very moment. This consciousness inside you now is ultimately determined by how relaxed you are and what you choose to fill your mind with. What types of thoughts do you invite into your mind typically on a normal day of life? When you choose to summon thoughts that bring you into a deeper state of peace, love, trust and a feeling of “oneness” with life around you, you’ll instantly sense your consciousness expanding. The best part is that when consciousness expands, you realize what a powerful manifestor you truly are and start playing in the world like you are one.

What many people won’t tell you is that your experience of this moment of your life is the most important thing for you to put your attention upon. Tomorrow or yesterday are never as important as today. This very moment may not seem like much, yet its an accumulation of the sum total of all the thoughts, feelings and experiences you’ve had throughout your life and lifetimes. It’s all happening now. All the words that your mother, father, siblings, friends, teachers, co-workers, bosses, and everyone you’ve met have said to you throughout your life, are occurring inside your deeper subconscious mind like data stored on a computer chip. What you do with this information determines the level of energy you are vibrating at now, and the positive and negative experiences you will manifest into your future.

“By using your heart as your compass, you can see more clearly which direction to go to stop self-defeating behavior.” ~Doc Childre and Howard Martin

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