Un-Plugged – Extinction Level Event

thoughtsElva Thompson – Life on our planet seems to be going down the toilet. Species are disappearing faster than it takes to drink a cup of tea, and scientists tell us we are entering the 6th great extinction.

The pendulum of duality swings back and forth in the cycles of creation, and we have reached the end of the Grand Cosmic Year of twenty six thousand years. This is the reset at the end of the cycle, and things are going to happen.  Most ignore the warning signs that great changes are upon us, hoping there will be a magic bullet, and it will all be solved. They don’t understand that the matrix of the ‘old round’ is failing…its energy has been unplugged. And, being unplugged from source, fractal impostor consciousness is going completely off its rocker…it’s going mad.
This is the madness and gratuitous violence we are witnessing on our planet …the insanity of unplugged consciousness that has turned against itself.

Compound negativity

There are billions of us on this planet, all carrying the universe inside our heads, the little separate world of me and mine with its causes; challenges; fears and frustrations. We blame and pontificate about this and that, and never realise that we may be just as complicit in the death of our planet as the people, agencies and corporations we despise.

Humanity has become a killing machine of hate; our cupboards are full of poison; pesticide for the bugs, herbicide to destroy the flowers in the lawn, oven cleaners, detergents, soap, shampoos and cosmetics that have been forced fed to innocent creatures, and rubbed in rabbits eyes.

Our planet is awash with  birth pill residues in lakes and rivers, discarded plastics, broken electronics and mountains of non bio-degradable trash. Nothing exists in this world that is safe from our depredations or our toxins. Continue reading

A Global ELE False Flag Event Under The Meme “September 23, 2015”

false flagAlfred Lambremont Webre – In the course of reporting on Jade Helm 15, an apparent martial law drill exercise of the U.S. government, NewsInsideOut.com has discovered what appears to be an attempted global Extinction Level false flag event (ELE) that is operating under the Meme “September 23, 2015” designed to last until Oct. 2016, and presenting a challenge to the positive timeline that has reportedly supplanted a catastrophic timeline in our Earth’s timeline hologram as of December 21, 2012.

“Sept. 23, 2015”: Challenge to the positive timeline?

The “Sept. 23, 2015” year-long false flag is reportedly designed by its controllers to be a near Extinction Level event. However, the Positive Timeline Equation [Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness] is thought to have supplanted and overcome an out-dated Matrix Elite formula that is no longer effective, even if applied in the dimensional ecology by duality consciousness controllers like Dracos and Orion greys, renegade Anunnakis, and demonic Luciferic interdimensional entities behind the “Sept. 23, 2015” event:

Problem + Reaction = Solution[1]

“Sept. 23, 2015” is code

“Sept. 23, 2015” is code for a dimensional ecology year-long event whose memes are embedded in Illuminati cards, movies, TV, media, music, Bible Prophecy (Rapture), “Ascension”, CERN demonic portals, ET invasion/false flag, killer asteroids, Jade Helm, Georgia Guidestones depopulation to 500 million humans, One World Religion, Peace & Security, Antichrist, Second Coming, with the principal upper theatre archetypes being the Pope [Whore of Babylon], USA (Obama) & UK (Crown) [Two-Headed Beast] , UN/EU [Seven-Headed, Ten Horned Beast] and King of the North [Russia/Putin].

False flag duration: September 23, 2015 to October 11-12, 2016

The initial phase of the “Sept. 23, 2015” global level false flag is scheduled for a Sept. 22-28, 2015 period around the final Tetra Lunar Eclipse of 2014-15 [9/28/15], initiating a “Peace & Security” phase of the false flag. The final phase of the false flag is scheduled for a year later, technically on the Jewish Day of Atonement 2016 (October 11-12, 2016) Continue reading