How denial and hurtful experiences work together

healingJack Adam Weber – Our wholeness is our joy, our thriving, our passion, our enjoyment of and creative service to life. Yet, we lose essential aspects of our wholeness in ways that we would least expect.

Here I discuss how denial and hurtful experiences work together to stymie our experience of thriving.

When we are hurt by others, we will often disavow (reject) in ourselves the qualities that hurt us, until we heal that wound. For example, if I have been hurt by another’s anger, I might vow not to be angry and thereby deny anger in myself. But, when I deny my anger, I also deny the ways it can be used to help and to protect myself and others. These life-affirming “ways” I call the vital qualities embedded in an emotion or experience. Continue reading

Angel Messages For November 16 – 22, 2015 ~ Angel Oracle Card Reading [Video]

Doreen Virtue – This week will be about emotional healing, and finding healthy and constructive ways to channel your feelings.

Creative outlets are especially cathartic and healing. It’s a good week to engage in arts, crafts, writing, dance, and such for the purpose of understanding, expressing, and releasing strong emotions.


Ultimately, this will be a heart-healing week. However, it may be a bit of an emotional roller-coaster to get there. It’s all about facing those feelings, and the valuable information that they contain for you. This is not a time to numb or escape awareness of your emotions.
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