A Stream from the Higher Worlds

soundThe Hathors – In our last planetary message called the Aetherium, we shared a sound meditation to help you transit through intensifying levels of world chaos by decreasing stress and by increasing coherency in your body and mind.

In this message we are giving you another sound meditation called “A Stream from the Higher Worlds.” The purpose of this sonic ally is to assist you to purify deeply held psycho-spiritual as well as emotional negativity and toxicity. Continue reading

Emotions And Your Inner Compass

feelingsThe Angels – Be kind to yourselves. You are all going through a period of re-birthing. It is a time upon your earth when that which lies deep within you, and your planet, is coming up to the surface for your consideration.

Just as the molten lava flows from the volcanoes – carving new channels and pathways in the land and even creating new earth itself –  your hopes, dreams, fears, and unexpressed feelings are coming up from your depths as well.

The thoughts and feelings emerging from within you are trying to guide you to make positive changes in your life, to live more in integrity with your own spirit, and more authentically with others. Love itself – the heart of the Divine, that has been lying dormant within you for eons – is making its way to the surface of your consciousness in ways you might have never experienced before. Continue reading

Emotions and Truth: Our Human Experience

Emotions and Truth: Our Human ExperienceDr. Michelle Kmiec -Emotions spontaneously arise throughout each day despite our earnest efforts to control them. They often surface without warning, whether we want them to or not. Fortunately, many of these emotions translate as pleasurable ones – feelings of joy, contentment, and love. However, like it or not, there are times when less than desirable emotions come forth – anger, frustration or possibly fear. But experiencing these unpleasant emotions is not necessarily a bad thing.

Emotions play a major role in who we are as individuals, and are the driving force behind how we interpret events we encounter. Continue reading

Emotional Management

emotionsTom Montalk – Have you ever gotten emotionally riled up over events which later turned out to be trivial? Do little things happen around you which “coincidentally” poke at your emotional sore spots? Does it seem like someone “behind the curtain” is pushing your buttons? In many cases, someone or something is.

This article is about emotional defense against an invisible enemy who profits from your overindulgence in negative emotions. As part of the matrix series, this text focuses upon the central issue in the matter, that of loosh economy.

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This is Why You’re on Earth

What Deja Vu Is Daniel Scranton – Greetings! We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very eager to see where humanity is headed, as we understand that you all have many, many choices in front of you. It is our desire, always, to present you with the choices, the opportunities, the options, that will give you what it is that you really want, and in good timing as well.

We want you all to feel how much is available to you right now, to feel into the various timelines that you have in front of you. And we also want you to know that just as you don’t have to wait for an event, a solar flash, full disclosure, free energy, or the landing of ships to bring you into a higher state of consciousness, you also don’t have to wait for your fellow humans to start cleaning up their collective act. Continue reading