July 2021 Energy Report

energyJennifer Hoffman – We’re turning a corner this month as we move into the second half of 2021. It has been quite a year with ongoing censorship, tyranny, and the challenge to personal freedoms that we have never experienced before. If we expected the density of 3D to give into to the light without a fight, we are seeing that this transition is not going to be made of the sweetness and light that we thought it would. Who would have thought that?

As I said in my 2021 predictions, 2021’s theme is energetic sovereignty and while it is our divine birthright, it is not a given, we have to be willing to stand up for it. In July we are challenged to rise to the occasion, to start our engines and leap out of the starting gate, marking our passage from intention to action by setting the tracks to remind us that our path is marked by our commitment to our own soul’s growth. Continue reading

House of Mirrors

timeSteve Rother – Greetings! I am Observer.

I join you this day because a shift of energy lies just ahead. These are opportunities for you to see each other at higher levels, and that is the energy that we’re hoping will ground over the next several months. Stepping up may not be an easy process, especially as division continues to grow.

With the recent health struggles, it has become more difficult to take those next steps up. And yet, if you can only reach out your hands to harmonize with those around you, you’ll understand how simple all of it can be. You become incredibly strong when you actually reach out in that way.

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