Maybe It’s Time To Stop Making Other People ‘God’

Inspire Me Today July 8 2013

Sometimes life doesn’t seem to make sense at all, especially when you are surrounded by the darkness of the unknown. Most often, the only sense comes through the healing and growth that you choose to experience.

There is a common thread to each painful life challenge. Each experience offers you the opportunity to see the precious gems hidden beneath the pain, to reconnect with God, and to re-awaken to your soul…the true essence of who you are.

Life’s challenges knock at your door. You cover your ears, so you don’t have to hear the persistant knocking, of cancer, of death, of addiction.

You cover your eyes, so you don’t have to see the pain, the struggle of those you love.

You cover your heart, so you don’t have to feel the agony of life slipping away.

And yet, no matter how hard you try to fight…babies die, cancer breathes one’s last breath, addictions colors life in shades of greys and blacks. No matter how hard you fight to not feel, your walls crash down…and you are seen shaking, stripped down, exposed, naked, vulnerable.

The choice is to run for cover…or stand in your moment.

If you run, you run for what seems an eternity, darting from pain, so it won’t ever, ever touch the wound that was never allowed to heal.

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4 Simple Steps To Claim Your Infinite Gifts Through Releasing Old Energies

Academy4InvincibleHealers July 6 2013

Do you find that past experiences haunt you and bring up old emotions you thought were released?

If the answer is YES, then I want to encourage you to dive into what is coming up for you.

Explore the new transformational healing that wants to happen through these old emotions.

I have found a lot of times that healers want to hide the old stuff from themselves, hoping that another simple white light healing (or something like it) easily takes care of the whole thing.

Instead, being in the ongoing process with old energies and exploring the gifts they have for you, allows you to step into your power as an invincible healer for yourself and others.

I guarantee the same part that “does not want to go there” is the same part that resists you from showing up more powerfully and helping more people as a healer.

What can you do to effectively navigate the gifts of “old energies” that keep coming back?

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Death By A Thousand Cuts

Zen-Haven July 2 2013

Belief system

We are bleeding to death here little by little, a bit more each day.  Every day we come closer still to succumbing to death by a thousand cuts in this place we allowed to become a prison planet with a captive population.

The chaos, confusion and cognitive dissonance we are all experiencing is intentional.  It is a design feature of the ‘master plan’ as some call it…the plan to subjugate humanity forever below the threshold of evolution.  Those who claim to still not see “it” have intentionally blinded themselves to the truth to preserve a belief system they still depend upon despite it’s ongoing collapse.

They will defend the glory of that belief system, and those who programmed it into them…to the death.  Time to disengage from those dear souls before you cannot, and end up sharing their particular destiny with them.

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Healing With Sound: The Tranformational Aspects Of Music

Stuart Wilde – The field of Sound Healing is a rapidly growing discipline that is recently attracting a lot of interest. Many of the techniques that are employed stem from ancient traditions. Modern scientific research, however, is adding to our understanding of how sound interacts with and enhances our bodies and minds .An important technique in Sound Healing utilizes the intricate combination and interplay ofvarious musical effects. It is the magical and complex interaction of special sounds with the human body and mind that give the impressive results that are achieved.

Music Aspect #1: Intervals

An interval is a technique used in music where two different notes are sounded at the same time. The individual notes combine to produce a new sound effect different than either of the two originals. This phenomenon is due to the interaction of the sound waves comprising each note.

When the brain receives tones that are presented extremely close to the ears (as when you wear headphones) the brain can only “hear” one tone at a time. If you play a different tone into each ear then the brain combines and averages both tones, and you hear a pulsing sound which is the average of the two tones. What is thrilling about this is that you have just introduced “whole brain” functioning. Regular use of “whole brain” functioning has been shown to enhance intelligence and overall mental performance, reducing mental decline.

Healing Resides In The Depth Of Your Heart

Inspire Me Today March 14 2013

Often people get sick because they stress, push and abuse themselves. Most people are not taught how to love themselves. In fact, they are taught that to listen, care for and honor themselves is selfish.

Many people spend their time trying to please others and eventually hurt themselves, which causes resentment, stress and sickness.

Often, until you really get angry, discover the cause of your sickness and let it go, you cannot heal. That is exactly what happened in my case, I got angry because nobody could help me and then I discovered that I had the power to tune into my own body and heal myself from debilitating back pain, psoriasis, digestive problems and anxiety.

How liberating it is to realize that your anger can be a catalyst for change, a teacher that inspires you to act rather than an emotion which is an inconvenience. I believe that pain is a messenger to show you what is not working in your body. It is a way to get your attention. When you really understand and discover what your pain is about, you can heal.

From my experience, the first step towards a healing journey is a clear decision that you are ready to heal. This means that you are willing to examine what has not worked in your life and begin to transform.

Healing requires honesty and acknowledgement. If your job, relationships, decisions, etc., do not work, it means that you need to be true to yourself and take significant steps towards making changes.

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