Health Benefits Of Spending Time Outdoors

natureBeing outdoors is something that most people enjoy, especially during the warmer months. Beyond just being enjoyable, being outdoors can actually improve your mental and physical well being.

Mother Nature has the power to benefit our lives in a multitude of ways that you may not even realize. If you don’t spend that much time outdoors, then you might want to consider doing more of it. Here are some of the many benefits that you can get out of spending time outside. Continue reading

How Medical Marijuana Helps Treat Sleep Disorders

medical marijuanaAccording to the American Sleep Association, about 50 to 70 percent of the American adult population has some kind of sleep disorder.

This can be a result of various circumstances, such as stress, over-exhaustion, relocation depression, and so on.

You surely know how important sleep is for your health and general well-being, and regardless of the reason behind your sleep disorder, you need to come up with an effective solution for your bad sleeping routine.

One of the best ways to get a good night’s sleep, and also the one which has become incredibly popular lately, is using medical marijuana to treat sleeping disorders.

How to Use Cannabis for Sleep Disorders

Cannabis is incredibly effective as a sleep aid for people suffering from various sleep disorders, which we will list later in the article. This feature of cannabis mainly results from the sedative properties of THC and CBN, two cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. And while using medical marijuana can be a great way to treat your sleep disorder, you need to take the right approach.

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Cancer 2018 Cycle: “Surpassing” (July 12 – August 11, 2018)

black moonLaura Walker – The Cancer cycle enters with the New Moon at 10:48 pm ET at 21 Cancer and the Sabian symbol  (energetic illustration) of “a prima donna singing.”

What imagery does this symbol bring to your mind’s eye?

The Sabian symbols are an efficient yet highly creative and individualized opportunity for the archetypal mind to reconnect with soul.  The astrology of the Sabian symbols offers us the key to rising above seemingly random and uncontrollable outside forces that shape perceptions (and thus our experience of life).  In so doing, we make order out of the chaos of the matrix in which we are awakening.  Our consciousness turns to something else — something beyond.

The energetic of “a prima donna singing” is the energy for SURPASSING.  A prima donna surpasses the norm.  She takes the tune to a new level.  She brings the soul up from the depths.  The prima donna is the principal singer of the opera because she has experienced things; she has feared, risked, lost, and won, and in the process of them all has found the Depths of the Heart.  She sings from the True Place – from the soul. Continue reading

Angel Messages for March 6 – 12, 2017 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – You take charge of your schedule this week, and you lower your stress levels with self-care. It’s a perfect time to detox and let go of that which has been distracting or blocking you. As you detox and take charge, your self-esteem and energy levels rise higher!

In this video, Doreen worked with the Saints & Angels Oracle Cards; and the Loving Words From Jesus cards, available at bookstores worldwide.

Doreen’s free Jesus meditation video is available at

SF Source Doreen Virtue March 2017