The Orchestra Of Reality: Science, Spirituality And Symbolism

” . . . the fundamental nature of reality gives rise to the internal and external worlds and that neither mind nor matter are primary as they’re both reflections of what truly is.” – P Watt

EnlightenmentManPhil Watt – I am an ‘ordinary’ native, yet for near half of my life I have experienced an extraordinary interconnection with the external world. Some might call it spirituality, others might call it being tapped in and some simply classify it as religion or the paranormal.

But in fact the blurring of the lines between one person’s mind and the rest of reality has been called many things by many cultures and traditions who have attempted to explain it over the course of humanity’s history.

No matter what you call this world-wide and timeless phenomenon, most people have personally had extraordinary experiences, too. Continue reading

Stretch Out Your Wings And Soar!

Stretch out Your Wings and Soar!Open – Dear emergent Souls, yes it’s complex out there in the Shift right now, yes the shadow continues its machinations, yes plenty around you are conditioned into the high-tech metaverse. BUT, there’s a crucial reason YOU can see it.

It’s BECAUSE you’re emerging from it! So take heart, have faith. Let your soul dream big and keep centering in the Sacred Ground of Being. Transcend the density by feeling the expansiveness emergent from it. You were seeded here for this. You’ve got this… Continue reading

How To Be Free From Right And Wrong

How To Be Free From Right And WrongJafree Ozwald – Have you ever had to make a challenging decision and thought, “Is this the right path to take?” or perhaps you had a bigger question such as “What am I supposed to do with my life?”

Many of us are caught up in believing that if we can make the right decisions, stay on the “good” path and off the “bad” path, we will be rewarded in some way. This may be true to some degree, yet in the grand plan our soul is on an infinite journey and is interested in something much bigger. Continue reading

What Is Enlightenment?

lightJafree Ozwald  – What does it mean to experience, “Enlightenment”? Well, personally I’ve only had a very brief taste of the enlightened state through a Samadhi experience that I was blessed with in 1995.

The one thing I can tell you that enlightenment is something that cannot be put into words. Yet, if I could describe it, I’d say it is the continuous realization of the divine Universally interconnected all-powerful omnipresent being you truly are.

Wow, that’s quite a mouthful for something that has no words for it. Yet, when you meditate on this thought and begin knowing it as the Truth of who you are, an amazing enlightening experience downloads into your consciousness at the speed of light. Continue reading

Enlightenment Is The Ultimate Maturity

MountEverestPeakJafree Ozwald – Enlightenment is the Mount Everest in human consciousness. There is nothing greater in life to discover. It is the peak of ones existence that naturally blossoms when you’ve reached a sweet ripe maturity within every area of your life.

Full enlightenment is not just about reaching a transcendental state of bliss through meditation. The real deal means you’ve also integrated this expanded understanding into your personal life.

When you have mastered your relationships with people, money, food, sex, health, your body, feelings, thoughts and everything on your inner and outer world, then enlightenment simply finds you. It doesn’t have to take very long, the moment you discover a deep and complete peace within every area of your life, you will have reached the highest level of maturity and reveal what the enlightened state is all about. Continue reading