Innovations Promoting Environmental Issues

deforestation​The world is coming to an end soon! How many times have you come across that warning… numerous, we would guess. It comes as old news that the environment is suffering just as fast as the world is evolving. The rapid use of natural resources, the greed with which acres of green lands have turned into acquisitions, and the thousands of species that have just vanished, all present a liability that we as human beings can no longer leverage.

The environmental issues at stake can be narrowed down to 6 pressing concerns:

Climate change, which presents an equally alarming threat for droughts, heat waves, wildfires and floods. These outcomes come as a result of the growing use of fossil fuels emitting enormous amounts of harmful carbon which drastically shifts the climate towards rapid warmth, that today, many previously known as ‘cold countries’ are currently suffering from. And, yet, no strict policy has been issued to ban their use and force their replacement by sustainable energy forms. Continue reading

The Significance of Environmental Sustainability On A Construction Project

constructionThe importance of building more and more homes to improve our economy will inevitably put more pressure on our environment. The environment has prevailing design standards and impacts which will assist in minimizing the effects, the question is, are they really enough? Debatably, we need thorough planning, design and a firm construction ecosystem driven by the environmental sustainability on any construction project as our common and core value to our way forward.

The public debates on construction and environmental issues have taken a simplistic path like laying a building on previously industrialized brownfield sites, which is more appealing than considering or developing an agricultural land or the countryside. In the long run, brownfield sites always have significant ecological advantages in densely populated areas in a region.

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