Understanding ‘False Light’ in Spiritual Awakening

Discerning True (Versus “False”) LightRachel Horton White – As we continue opening our third eye in the process of spiritual awakening, it’s important to practice discernment.

Discernment is about identifying Divine light versus what is often called “false light.” While there are varying definitions out there as to what exactly false light is, I believe that false light is simply light that is not directly connected to Source/Creator (or to God, or whatever term one might prefer). Instead, it is based in Ego and deception. While this false light can seem helpful at first, it can lead followers into places based on fear, greed or other negative emotional experiences. Continue reading

The Virus of Consciousness And How To Remove Implants

energyEric Raines & Vera Ingeborg – Nausea, extreme exhaustion, an intense longing to just sleep, endless thought spirals and recurring emotional breakouts – this is the current experience and reality not only for people just waking up, but also for people that have been on this path for a longer time and had already raised their frequency to a 5th dimensional level. They had already been enjoying the ease and flow of this plane – being completely in the Now, their true authentic self and completely free. All of a sudden it feels like being back to square one.

How can that be after all the work done? How can I fall back so much? There is a reason for it and the experience can be turned around quickly again. We have to start by becoming aware of how the Matrix works and how we are manipulated energetically in case we do not have this discernment, yet. And please! This is nothing to be upset or scared of – the more you treat the situation and yourself with love, the easier you navigate through. Continue reading

The False Matrix Mission Trick

false lightMichelle Walling, CHLC – A popular false light tactic is to make you feel like you are a “chosen one,” with a mission that is above all else, including human relationships and love. Many people jump into healing, websites, and channeling without doing the inner work first, because a “guide” came to them with a message.

We are the ultimate creators, and when we are still operating and creating from lower vibrations everything gets distorted. That is the nature of the reality of the matrix. Everything is backward and upside down, and the truth is that we created it that way. Now it is time to un-create. First we have to recognize what needs to be un-created, and in this case, it is distortion. Distorted healing methods, distorted guides and messengers, and most of all, distorted focus on your true mission.

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Could Some Spirit Guides Be Of The False Light?

false lightMichelle Walling, CHLC – Who are we really calling upon when we ask our “guides and angels” for help? They could be false light beings that pose as angels and helpers from the astral realm, and these types usually want something in return. Now that the veils of illusion ore dissolving, we are finding out that not all of our so called “guidance” has our best interests in mind.

If you have been following my articles, you know there have been several articles about the False Light Matrix, or demiurge. In these articles I have explained that there are beings posing as archangels, guides, and “lords” of the light. Very clever confusion has been inserted with the new age term “spirit guides”. Continue reading

How To Stop Attacks And Illness By Clearing Negative Energies And Entities

energyMichelle Walling, CHLC – As we continue to meld and move through the fourth dimension on many different levels, the dark forces are getting more desperate for sources of energy, or what has been called “loosh”. Most energetic attacks have the purpose of triggering negative emotional responses for this loosh, and others are self created thoughtforms. Part of the spiritual “work” is clearing yourself and your house of negative energies and entities as you learn to unplug from the matrix.

The matrix is an interactive binary computer program that is an overlay on top of the organic 5d Earth matrix. Its purpose is to lock humans into a perpetual source of energy for 4th dimensional beings who were trapped here by the Federation during the cosmic wars.

Because these trapped beings are not connected to the Source through their hearts, they were forced to find another source of energy in order to survive. They were able to hack into the matrix system on earth through the moon to provide an illusion wonderland of ways to attack humans and to cause humans to attack themselves as well as others.

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