Fear is Exhausting

fearBrenda Hoffman – Even though you craved excitement throughout most of your outer-directed earth time, you are shifting to a lower key of excitement. The wild parties or schemes of yesterday no longer thrill you. Excitement has become interacting with loved ones, nature, and other seemingly mundane activities that you probably once scoffed at.

Such is another indication of your inner shifts. Fear and pain are becoming more irritating because they are no longer your areas of interest or exploration – they are yesterday’s fashions. Continue reading

Money – Blood of the Fear Exchange Network

systemZen Gardner – Aren’t you getting a kick out of this financial meltdown? What self induced insanity, and all as if they didn’t know that all this was what they were in for. What a sham. Intoxicated psycho-pathetic leeches living off the manipulated matrix of the whirled system thinking they can crank themselves into eternal material bliss with hardly a glitch.

Nothing could be any more moronic. On this scale or any other measuring system. Yet they keep trying.

We all know money is arguably the most blatantly weaponized life force on planet earth. This entire structure of centrally controlled money is a life-sucking fear and scarcity mongering force installed simply for domination and human energy siphoning. It is so readily manipulated it would make any investor or pitiful stock broker crap their pants to realize it, never mind the ignorant consumer entrapped in this vortex of endless deceit and designed futility.

What a massive joke it would be were it not for those who suffer under this oppressive false paradigm.

The Slow Release Avalanche

If you’ve ever watched a mountain slide you’ll notice they don’t happen immediately. There are clear warning signs. Not always, but usually. Rocks start to fall; conditions such as heavy rain or earthquakes and the like almost always precede. When it starts to go you never know how huge the movement will be.

The somewhat awake keep a look out for potential disasters and act somewhat cautiously. But generally most are still subject to the manipulated mainframe paradigm in which they are embedded. Why? Because they are “invested” in it. Continue reading