How To Stop Absorbing Other People’s Negative Energy!

feelhealthiswealthofheart– Sympathy is the ability to feel compassion towards others. Empathy goes a step beyond that. Being an ‘empath’ means you not only recognize the emotions of others, but you feel them as if they were your own.

Too often, strong empathizers absorb much of the pain and suffering from their environment. This bogs them down emotionally and blocks their ability to function at a high level.

If you’ve ever been in a room with a negative person, you know how tangible his/her emotions can feel. You feel like his/her heaviness is seeping into you and you find it harder to keep your head up. Learning to defend yourself from this kind of toxic energy is an essential life tool, because your emotional state affects you mentally, physically and spiritually. Let it be your own! Continue reading

Real is the new Right

feelingsThe Angels – We are so proud of each and every one of you. You have been working hard to reap the gifts offered by this extremely challenging year of contrast upon your earth. You have been diligently striving to gently shift your thoughts towards ones that make you feel better. You have been doing your best to stay out of fear. This is the work your soul came to do.

You wanted to create from the arena of contrasts. You wanted to grow into mastery of your mind, so you could master your own energy. You wanted to use your free will to aim the power that creates worlds in directions that please you and thus allow the expansion of the Divine. This year, more than any before in recent history has afforded you an opportunity for amazing growth and therefore, amazing grace. Continue reading

Focus & Feel

feelThe Angels – You are always creating! The reality you experience today was one you created yesterday, perhaps even yesteryear or in lives past. The reality you experience tomorrow, or even an hour from now is one you are creating in this very breath.

Are you creating what you want?

Take a breath.  Focus on one challenge or problem in your life for just a few seconds. As you do so, know that you are re-creating that challenge or problem for yourself in that very moment. You are inviting it to stay with you by your charged focus upon it.

Now, let’s change this. Focus instead on what it would feel like to experience a better reality.  Ask yourself, “What would it feel like to have a better reality right here, right now?” Really allow yourself to imagine it. Even more importantly, allow yourself to feel it.  Continue reading

You cannot fail

The Angels – There are standards for perfection on your planet earth that have plagued hufeelmanity since the dawn of time. You feel successful if your life looks the way society thinks it should, and not when it doesn’t. You feel beautiful if you match some capricious “wrinkle-free” image. You feel good about yourself when acknowledged and loved by others, less so when abandoned or criticized.

It is only the human conditioning which robs you of your natural state of joy and makes you feel anything less than Divine.

In our eyes, you are perfect, exactly as you are.

When you came to earth as babies, you knew you were perfect. You loved yourselves. You cried when you had need. You laughed when something was funny without worrying about being “socially correct” You didn’t have a shred of guilt in reaching out for what fascinated you. You lived authentically. Continue reading

How to Be Safe in Unsafe Times

feelJelaila Starr – This message has been a while in coming; it was scheduled for last week but I just wanted in the right head space yet. When looking back I realize it was because I was struggling to find my happy place …because I was struggling with integrating yet the latest Dark event. Doesn’t it sometimes feel that getting to that place of compassion makes your heart/thymus work so hard you feel you’re gonna have a heart attack?

Back to the subject of safety, have you noticed yourself being hit by waves or bolts of anxiety, apprehension or just that subtle negative feeling the something isn’t right? It’s crazy out there right now. It’s as though the world has gone insane!

How does one feel safe when they are being hit by unprecedented negativity from all sides?

Oh yes, now I remember, its what we came here for. We came to Earth to help with the changes. Yep…

We came to use or hard-earned ability to forget we are creator god/godesses, and thus have to work to remember. Once we remember we have to then us that knowledge and those skills to resolve the conflicts and create harmony in diversity…the kind of peaceful environment that works in the physical realms. *Went off on a tangent there.*

Parallels and History

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