Feminism Tricked Women Into Giving Up Their Power

Helen Gurley Brown at home with husband, producer David Brown

Henry Makow Ph.D. –  In 1965, Helen Gurley Brown,the editor of Cosmopolitan, said that a housewife was “a parasite, a dependent, a scrounger, a sponge or a bum.” She didn’t call them whores because she respects whores.

Her sister-in-arms, Betty Friedan, compared homemakers to “concentration camp inmates” because of the lack of stimulation and opportunity for advancement in concentration camps. (The Feminine Mystique, p. 306)

These mid boggling attacks typify the vicious psychological war against society by Illuminati Satanists. Their program to degrade women, destroy families, arrest heterosexual development, create dysfunction and reduce population has been devastatingly successful. Continue reading

Candace Owens Shares Why She Doesn’t Support Modern Day Feminism

feminismArjun Walia – Feminism is a movement that works towards creating equality between sexes and women’s rights. Though I fully support equality and all to have freedom and rights, I believe that aspects of this movement have created separation amongst us, stemming from over-identifying with gender.

If we look at gender issues, particularly women’s issues, we’ve seen massive amounts of inequality throughout history. For example, look at all of our founding ‘fathers’ of science, quantum physics, engineering, psychology, etc. Gender inequality exists within every field of academia. Many ‘groundbreaking’ discoveries have been attributed to men, and solely to men. Many have been stolen from women, simply because they were women, and many discoveries made by women have gone completely unacknowledged by academia. The wage gap is another example of inequality, but more on that later. Continue reading

Feminists Screaming about ‘Transgenderism,’ Their Own Demon Child

feministsSelwyn Duke – Say, “Be careful what you wish for” or call it the law of unintended consequences.  For decades, feminists screamed, “I am woman, hear me roar” — now it’s “Hear me squeal — a man just walked through our door!”

The issue?  Men claiming womanhood (MCW, AKA “transgenders”) are invading women’s spaces — such as bathrooms, locker rooms, and prisons — and are entering female competitions, taking away gold and glory.  Examples are MCW who in recent years won “women’s” titles in weightlifting, cycling, sprinting, golf long driving, and even a beauty pageant.

This is no pretty picture to feminists.  Wizened old Germaine Greer took heat in 2016 for saying men getting a medical procedure “doesn’t make them a woman.”  Ex-tennis star Martina Navratilova is currently being ostracized forwriting that having MCW in women’s sports is “insane” and is “cheating.”  Feminist writer Meghan Murphy just sued Twitter for banning her for tweeting “men aren’t women” (my, my — employing white male linear logic!).  And feminist Julia Beck (video below) was kicked off a Baltimore LGBT committee for using masculine pronouns when referencing, the nerve of her, a man.

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Marion Le Pen Dismantles Feminist Hypocrisy in 3 Minutes [Video w/ English sub-titles]

With so much doom and gloom in the news cycle, we thought it would be prudent to share something that will help restore your faith in humanity.

Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, the elegant, articulate niece of Front National leader Marine Le Pen, dissected the dizzying mental gymnastics of modern day feminism during a scathing 3-minute speech in front of her fellow French parliamentarians.

Le Pen made her remarks during debate on a ban of pro-life websites and the spread of “false information” regarding abortions, but she went after more than just SJW censorship:

Feminism had been reduced to “sexism in grammar, a pink toy in a happy meal”,  Maréchal-Le Pen said, adding that feminists had “lost the plot” on real threats. The real threats, she said, were issues like the migrant sex assault in Cologne on New Year’s Eve 2015/2016 and Islamic law which she said was “being enforced in some of France’s districts”.

She slammed feminists’ views of the “patriarchy” and their placing blame on “heterosexual white men”. She also accused leftists of cosying up to Islamists to further their cause adding the alliance was the reason “self-proclaimed protectors of women’s rights” defend the Islamic veil which she called an “Islamic submission tool”.

Watch the entire, glorious 3 minutes: Continue reading

Why Billionaire Oligarchs Bankroll Feminism

“The crux of the matter is, feminism and so-called “liberation” is useful to billionaire technocrats to reorganize society – it has nothing to do with liberation or freedom, but enslavement to the passions and ultimately, death through dysgenics and dying reproduction rates.” – Jay’s Analysis

I’ve received several messages from feminists of late inquiring as to why on earth I would dare to question women’s rights, supposed equality and empowerment. Having written a past article on the Satanic nature of feminism, the operant assumption by these questioners is of course guided by the official narrative of history as one of patriarchal oppression, wherein only in the last few centuries has the “tyranny” of old white men been exposed in the vast conspiracy theory known as gender. Of course none of this is true, but I thought it appropriate to answer these charges and explain the real nature of feminism as a social engineering plot to re-organize and re-engineer mankind by the technocrats.

To understand this, we must see the real players behind “women’s liberation,” dating roughly from the period of the Enlightenment and French Revolution, up to the Paris Commune and in the last century allying with Marxism and socialism to form a global front against the long domination of evil, stupid, and tyrannical men.  As is often the case, the real history and power behind these revolutionary causes was oligarchical and subversive, not at all concerned with the interests of woman in general, but in deconstructing western society at the hands of moneyed elites.

While this sounds counter-intuitive, it is a fact that almost all so-called “liberal” movements have been funded, co-opted, used and harnessed by the money power as a means of psychological warfare for the destruction of the existing order.  Feminism is no exception to this, and like Marxism, had the backing of powerful financial interests which could utilize the “liberation” by appealing to the deluded and naïve ignorance of youth, as the world witnesses with Mao’s cultural revolution. Continue reading