Planet Alert January 2019

energyMahala Gayle – Hi everyone:  We just finished celebrating the holidays and I hope your holidays were as awesome as mine were this year. I am also looking forward to a good year in 2019.  We just had a major energy wave that started for me on New Year’s Eve when a large hole opened on the Sun.

I always feel the energy of the Sun when a hole opens and I feel the wind from that hole before it even hits Earth. I can tell something happened on the sun because my eyes become blurred.  This year my whole body hurt from the beginning of this year until today, which is January 5. It felt like every bone in my body was complaining to me about something. I have never felt energy pain for such a long period of time.

I just watched a video about a wave that hit Earth on January 2 at 8 PM and the wave continued until 3:33 AM the next day. I think that was west coast time, although I am not sure. The worst day of pain for me was Thursday January 3, 2019. That is the day when the sun was at the closest point to Earth.

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