Monthly Astro-Forecasts April 2023

Monthly Astro-Forecasts April 2023.Sarah-Jane Grace – Letting go and letting love both continue to take center stage throughout April as we each find ways to lighten the load we carry and allow the space created to remain filled with love, possibility, and light.

When we create space in our lives, we so often rush to fill it up again; it’s as though space is something that needs to be occupied, but it really isn’t. Space is an opportunity to rest, re-centre and breathe deeply. Space gives each of us a chance to look at the bigger picture and to regain perspective and clarity.

Space is a gift to be treasured as it allows us to look beyond the four walls of our everyday lives in order to see more clearly; when we truly look, we see, we hear, we notice and the world shifts from monotone hues to a kaleidoscope of color, sounds and energies. Continue reading

Feel • Be Real • Let the Love Flow!

Let the Love FlowThe Angels – There are so many “energy releases” going on around your planet right now. You see it in Mother Earth releasing energy via her storms and in human beings releasing energy in their own swirling outbursts. You feel this inside of yourself in various ways.

Many of you have been more reactive than usual and less tolerant of behaviors that never quite suited you. Many of you are feeling strong surges of emotion that you’ve stuffed but can no longer ignore. Many more are having sudden physical challenges appear and then disappear just as quickly. On a happier note, many of you are also feeling a renewal of life, an urge to get going, or a desire for change. Continue reading

Flow around the boulders

Flow around the bouldersThe Angels – So many times you ask us, “When will life stop being such a struggle?” Our answer, with great love, is always, “when you stop struggling with life.”

Consider a stream. Unobstructed it flows smoothly, gracefully, swiftly, and powerfully. When it encounters an obstacle, such as a boulder that it cannot move, temporarily some of the currents in the stream push against the boulder. Their flow becomes chaotic, slower, and less powerful. Sometimes the water that runs into the boulder even bounces back upstream, temporarily…. until it surrenders to the greater current, joins the path of least resistance, and flows smoothly around the boulder. Continue reading

High Tide …

“We are so small against the stars, so large against the sky” Leonard Cohen.

high tideLorna Bevan – This is a pivotal week when both the stakes and emotions run extremely high, when things could be blown way out of proportion.

The rare coincidence of the great wave of dissolution that is the once in 166 years Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces and a Libra Full Moon tangling with Disruptor Eris, the Great Transformer Pluto and the Lord of Time and Karma Saturn marks a high tide, both globally and personally.

And everything is being overshadowed by the April 30th Taurus solar eclipse bringing karmic Scorpionic chickens home to roost. Continue reading

The Meadow of Your Being

lightMary O’Malley – Imagine a beautiful meadow where there is a rainbow of wildflowers, along with the heart-opening music of birds. The smells of the heather and the pristine beauty of the surrounding mountains all bring forth a deep sense of peace. In this meadow, everything is energy, everything flows and is at peace.

The same is true for you. You may have no memories of this kind of well-being but there was a time when you were very young where there were no thoughts in your head. Past and future had no meaning for you, so this moment was all there was. Because you weren’t searching for a better state, you were open to it – all of it – and life was okay exactly as it was.

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