The ISIS Ploy: Illuminati Symbols, Sorcery And Sacrifice

“You’ll find this energy vampirism a recurring theme throughout any esoteric studies on this subject, a theme popularized by the Matrix movies where humans are considered energy “batteries” to be drained and utilized. That’s pretty much what they’re up to.” ~Z Gardner

ZG_IsisIt’s rather ironic that this latest wave of Western armed and financed “Islamic” militants invading Iraq and now conveniently threatening Syria and Iran is named ISIS. Or is it deliberate? It’s being used to stand for this oddly anglicised, fabricated, full-on barbaric “Islamic State in Iraq and Syria” movement presently sweeping Iraq, but anyone acquainted with any degree of occult knowledge or esoteric mythology knows the goddess Isis is one of the most important figures in so-called mystery schools, and a favorite of Freemasonry and the Illuminati; and one for which they have manipulated, murdered and thoroughly deceived humanity for millennia.

While the US is currently (once again) self-appointedly deciding whether to go into all out overt war on the entire region from Lebanon to Iran, based on this “unforeseen phenomenon” of ISIS, this parasitic plan goes on full throttle, ripping the guts out of millions of innocent people’s lives for the Machiavellian desires of a few; all while they hoodwink the masses into a completely backwards interpretation of their devious sorcery.

These “elite” few are fueled by something besides their psychopathy – it’s an occult allegiance to powerful symbolic entities, whether they are all fully conscious of their allegiances to these powers or not. Such is the case of most of manipulated humanity.

Isis and the Illuminati

It’s important to know that almost every portrayal of a feminine goddess, a speciality of Freemasonic art, literature and architecture, hails back to Isis – no matter whether it’s called “The Statue of Liberty”, “Blind Justice”, “Mother Mary”, “Columbia” or some other “Queen of Heaven” or whatever label they want to give her. They’re almost all the same entity. Isis in turn goes back to Sumer and the goddess Semiramis, or Ishtar, an embodiment of this same esoteric deity. Continue reading

Magnetic Fields Of The Human Body And Their Functions [Audio]

MPHarchive  (Thanks, Wave)

Manly Palmer Hall was a Canadian-born author and mystic. He is perhaps most famous for his work The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy, which is widely regarded as his magnum opus, and which he published at the age of 27.

He has been widely recognized as a leading scholar in the fields of religion, mythology, mysticism, and the occult.


In 1934, Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society (PRS) in Los Angeles, California, dedicating it to an idealistic approach to the solution of human problems. The PRS claims to be non-sectarian and entirely free from educational, political, or ecclesiastical control, and the Society’s programs stress the need for the integration of philosophy, religion, and science into one system of instruction. The PRS Library, a public facility devoted to source materials in obscure fields, has many rare and scarce items now impossible to obtain elsewhere. Continue reading

Freemasonry: ‘The Firm Within The Firm’

RT  January 23 2014

freeMasonryIs there a vaster chasm than that between ‘worthy charitable giving’ and ‘swindlers at the top of society’? This is par for the course though when you do an internet search for the Freemasons.

Last week brought more hard evidence of the latter (and darker), with the second leaked report from UK criminal justice authorities in as many years to conclude that mobsters use Freemasonry to freely recruit corrupt detectives, being one of ‘the most difficult aspects of organized crime corruption to proof against.’

Scotland Yard’s Operation Tiberius report was written over a decade ago but has only this week been made public by The Independent’s investigations editor, Tom Harper. It follows on from Project Riverside, revealed by Channel 4 News’ Andy Davies in March 2012 from the Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA), which also describes Freemasonry in round terms as ‘a firm within a firm’. Incredible though it may seem, although paid for with public money, both these reports have taken nearly a decade to surface, and then only as partial press leaks.

So why did the authors of Scotland Yard’s Operation Tiberius’ find Freemasons so difficult to winkle out? Most know Freemasonry sits somewhere between a religious cult and a pyramid selling scheme but have no idea where ‘The Craft’ came from, or what makes Masons tick. It’s the oath of secrecy, similar to the Mafia’s Omertà, on pain of death, which, in theory, makes any revelation about ‘The Craft’ a slip of the tongue you can die for.

Behind the lodge door

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Frater X – The Secret War Inside Freemasonry [Audio]

RedIceRadio September 9 2013

Frater X is an author of both speculative fiction and critical research. He is a lecturer of esoteric philosophies, occult sciences and Mystery Traditions and a member of 9 different esoteric orders including the Knights Templar, Knight Masons, Order of the Sword of Bunker Hill, Masonic Rosicrucians and the Ancient Order of Druids. Frater X is considered a prolific analyst and commentator among his Masonic peers. In the first hour, we discuss conflicting ideas within Freemasonry.



He’ll talk about how sub-orders in Freemasonry are trying to change policies within the order and how it taps into a larger secret war on humanity. We’ll get into what Freemasonry is and discuss how it rose in the wake of the crusades.

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Cycles of Catastrophe & Cosmic Patterns [Audio]

Red Ice Radio | September 2 2012

As a professional designer/builder, student of Sacred Geometry and long time Freemason, Randall Carlson is uniquely qualified to interpret the hidden meaning of the great masterpieces of mystical architecture. It is his aspiration to affect a revival of lost knowledge towards the goal of creating the new world based upon universal principles of harmony, freedom, and spiritual evolution. Randall emphasizes the cyclical nature of time and the periodic catastrophes responsible for the collective amnesia of our species. He’ll discuss cosmic events and recapitulate disaster scenarios. In the member’s hours, Randall talks about impact events and ancient foreknowledge of coming catastrophe. We’ll discuss where we presently are in the cycle of catastrophe, climate change, water cycles and interglacial periods. Randall explains how we are much more likely to head into a cold period. We’ll end discussing dark and golden ages and their literal meanings.