November 2023 Energy Report

November 2023 Energy ReportJennifer Hoffman – November is a fresh start after October’s eclipses and that’s a welcome change. Eclipses always shake things up, reveal what’s hidden, bring situations to a head, and challenge us to find new options when what was once a permanent fixture in our lives is reduced to rubble. November brings in the 9 energy and like October, it’s double 9s because November was once the ninth month (novem means nine) and it’s the number of completion.

November’s themes are Energy Reclamation and TRIM (which stands for Transformation – Release/Renewal — Intention/Integration– Mastery/Manifestation) and with the retrogrades ending this month, fresh starts and new perspectives are possible. Continue reading

Things To Tell Yourself Today

Luminita D. Saviuc – Your life is made up of days. And if you tell yourself today, and every day exactly what your heart and soul need to hear, in the end, you will have a life filled with joy, laughter, and a lot of meaning.

Tell Yourself Today…

These beautiful and empowering things are meant to help you regain strength and confidence in yourself so that you can start living in alignment with your life purpose and create the many wonderful things you came here to create. Continue reading