Ancient Medicines That Already Live In Your Home

vinegarNick Polizzi – Every week, we receive emails from folks who are eager to get ahold of the jungle medicines that were featured in the Sacred Science film. My first question to these passionate seekers is, “Have you explored the traditional herbal remedies that are available in your neck of the woods?” More often than not, the answer is no.

Yes, there is something intoxicating and mysterious about paddling down a foliage-entwined river to a remote village where there is rumored to be a powerful shaman. But similar practices exist all over the world, and many are available in or near your home.

Today I’m going to focus on three natural medicines that are so easy to find that they may already live in your kitchen!

Garlic – Allium sativum

I’d like to start with Allium sativum, or garlic – not only out of respect for my Italian roots, but because it is quite possibly the most potently practical medicinal herb on the planet. We all know this strong-charactered little bulb for its delicious flavor and aroma, but I’m often baffled by how few people use it medicinally for its plethora of healing applications. Continue reading

The Master Tonic

powerfulAlex ‘Earthie Mama’ Du Toit – Your first line of defense against any virus or infection is your own immune system, and there has never been a better time than right now to learn how to support your immune system naturally.

Combining 7 antibacterial and antiviral ingredients, the basic formula of this ‘Master Tonic’ dates back to medieval Europe. It is a super cleansing natural antibiotic, destroying both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is a potent anti-viral and anti-fungal/yeast formula, and can increase blood and lymph circulation in the body. It is also known to be effective for treating colds and the flu, as well as Candida.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV)

ACV contains high levels of acetic and malic acid as well as vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids. Some of ACV’s active ingredients are soluble fibers in the form of pectin, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, thiamin, lycopene, niacin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin and beta-carotene. It also contains other minerals like sodium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. All of these powerful substances work together and make ACV very effective as an antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal tonic. (Learn more.)


Garlic has been used for thousands of years to help fight a vast number of illnesses. Garlic produces a chemical called allicin, which is what gives it its powerful smell and makes it effective as an antibacterial and antiviral food. A scientific study of 146 adults showed that taking high doses of Allicin for 12 weeks reduced the chances of catching a cold by 64%, and if a cold did set in, the symptoms were reduced by 70% in the study group. (Learn more.)


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Detoxing The Body Of Parasites

“Intestinal cleansing is also important to remove pathogens from the system. Focus on a high fiber diet with additions such as organic psyllium husk, flaxseed, chia seed and beetroot. Likewise, bentonite clay and activated charcoal help absorb and escort parasites out of the body.” C Wright

CoconutOilLinked with cancer, seizures, asthma and more, parasites are an invisible, yet very real, threat to health. Difficult to diagnose, physicians and medical personnel often miss the connection between a parasitic infection and serious disease. It is estimated that a majority of Americans harbor parasites contracted from food, water, pets and even the air we breathe. Herbal antiparasitic detox programs are an excellent solution and should be undertaken annually along with a weekly maintenance protocol, even if one enjoys good health.

Cleansing herbs and nutritional support

Parasites can infiltrate any system in the body, including the lungs, liver, heart, brain, spinal cord, blood, pancreas, skin, eyes, kidneys and uterus. The pathogens contribute to diabetes, poor cardiovascular health, chronic fatigue and a host of other disease. Due to the widespread problem of parasites, it’s essential that healthy individuals undergo a parasite cleanse at least once per year, or more if diseases are present. The following is a list of the top antiparasitic herbs and oils available: Continue reading

New Study Finds Garlic Heals 100% Of Warts In 2 Weeks

“Garlic is a powerful plant with antiviral and anti-tumor properties. The researchers point out that warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), and that the antiviral properties worked on this mechanism. Also, because warts are similar in composition to benign tumors, the anti-tumor properties likely played a role.” C Sarich

GarlicBurlapBagChristina Sarich – Garlic is definitely one of nature’s biggest stars. Not only does it taste good in a variety of dishes, but it also offers numerous health benefits. Adding to the body of research outlining those benefits is a new study published in the International Journal of Dermatology, one that indicates garlic holds the power to eliminate warts and help heal corns.

According to the study, participants who received a fat-soluble garlic extract applied directly to their wart(s) twice daily saw 100% recovery. In other words, the garlic extract eliminated the warts entirely.

Further, the fat-based extract proved 80% effective in the treatment of corns. What’s more, these results were achieved after only one to two weeks of treatment.

As a comparison, the researchers also tested a water-based garlic extract and found that it had beneficial effects—eliminating small warts after 30-40 days of application—but nowhere near the effects of the fat-based extract.

So, how did the garlic extract achieve these results? Continue reading

Elizabeth Renter ~ 3 Natural Antibiotics Already In Your Kitchen

NaturalSociety  May 23 2014

OreganoOilWhen you get sick, what do you do? If you’re like millions of Americans, you call the doctor at the first sign of a sniffle. You may run out to the aptly named drug store to get a quick-fix. But as a student of natural health, you are likely more interested in the potential healers you can find in your own kitchen, health food store, or garden. Fortunately, there are many, and several of them can actually work as natural antibiotics.

The benefits these items have over those approved by the conventional medical industry is that they can deliver the goods without a laundry list of side effects. Here are 3 natural antibiotics that may already be in your kitchen.

1. Oregano Oil

Also called oil of oregano, this oil can do everything from aid in weight loss to help digestion. But one of its most notable benefits is found in the ability to fight infection. Carvacrol, a phenol present in the oil, works to kill bacteria and illness causing infections. Continue reading