Globalists Resurrect Roman Censor to Police Public Morals

Globalists Resurrect Roman Censor to Police Public MoralsJ. B. Shurk – One of the most powerful and prestigious offices in the ancient Roman Republic was the censor. It was the censor’s duty to conduct the census — an account of all the citizens and their properties, an appraisal of an individual Roman’s qualifications for certain honors and ranks, and a division of the people into distinct social classes.

Having the authorities both to assess tax liability and noble rank made the two censors who shared this office inherently powerful. For this reason, the patricians (the ruling class) originally precluded the plebeians (the commoners) from ever obtaining the office. The ruling class was not keen on empowering a commoner to decide who is worthy of being a patrician! Continue reading

Our Two Deep States, One Public, One Private

Our Two Deep States, One Public, One PrivateCharles Hugh Smith – In 2007, well before the term Deep State entered the common lexicon, I sketched the interconnected public-private pieces of the Deep State, which I termed the elite maintaining and extending global dominance.

This diagram doesn’t make all the connections or list all the consequential nodes of influence of course, but you get the idea: elected officials, i.e. “democracy,” play a modest role in the entire structure, which displays remarkable continuity regardless of which politicians and parties are currently in power. Continue reading

The War On Supplements

FDAJanet Levy – The Food and Drug Administration – funded and controlled by Big Pharma – is heavily biased in favor of drugs. And since Big Pharma wants to solidify its monopoly over medicine, it has coerced the FDA to campaign to limit consumer access to non-patentable nutritional supplements, which promote health and prevent disease

Drugs, even when taken properly under prescription, cause 1.9 million hospitalizations per year and close to 900,000 patients to experience serious drug reactions, according to a Harvard report. More alarming statistics: prescription drugs are a major health risk, ranking fourth (with stroke) as a leading cause of death; and new FDA-approved prescription drugs have a one-in-five chance of causing adverse reactions. But despite that, the FDA believes that it is supplements that are unsafe, and unleashes campaigns against them on behalf of Big Pharma. Continue reading

Luciferian globalists exploiting COVID for ‘Great Reset’

pandemicArt Moore – Roman Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, a former papal ambassador to the United States, continued his criticism of the globalist “Great Reset,” warning in a new speech that corrupt civil and church authorities have joined forces to exploit the coronavirus pandemic in their quest to bolster global sovereignty.

He made it clear whose side he believes the authorities are on.

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None Dare Call It Conspiracy

Janet Levy – Fifty years ago, journalist Gary Allen set out to write a book to prove conservative anti-communists wrong.  But while researching, he realized he had not seen the “hidden picture.”  There indeed was a conspiracy, shielded by a narrative advanced by liberal academia and the mainstream media, both actually in the service of an elite cabal that included Rockefeller, Ford, Morgan, Rothschild, Loeb, Kennedy, and Carnegie.

No longer willing to dismiss “right-wing conspiracy theorists,” he titled his book, published in 1971, None Dare Call It Conspiracy.  It was a surprising bestseller: more than four million copies were sold during the 1972 presidential elections.  Many received it as gifts through an informal grassroots distribution system. Continue reading