How to Let Go Of Overwhelm and Deeply Relax!

How to Let Go Of Overwhelm and Deeply Relax!Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher – Have you become a bit over-stimulated and overwhelmed by the complicated fast-paced systems we are all operating within? As you may realize, we are living in very exciting times that can sometimes feel like a bit too much.

The world and its consciousness are changing faster than ever before and sometimes our minds have trouble navigating these changes. You have a choice. You don’t have to let chaotic feelings of overwhelm rule your existence. You can learn how to let go, relax, and remain receptive to what life has to offer you.

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The Most Enlightened Way To Deal With Armageddon

“You are the host, and thoughts are your guests. You are the master of the house, the house belongs to you. Receive your thoughts, take care of them, but don’t get identified with them; otherwise, they will become the masters.” – Osho

The Most Enlightened Way To Deal With ArmageddonJafree Ozwald – Sometimes life needs to fall apart so it can rebuild itself in a more enlightened and grounded way. Our jobs, relationships, homes, health and finances will at times require a complete reboot or to be rewired in a new light. When life starts shoving you into a completely brand new direction it’s best not to try to resist, control, or micromanage it.

The most enlightened way to handle life is the path of least resistance. Go with the flow of where the Universe wants to take you. Trust it. It knows what you need better than you do. Sure, it may be scary at first to relax, let go and trust the unknown, yet when you fully surrender to trusting it, you suddenly are overcome with inspiration, excitement as the divine creative energy comes flooding in! Continue reading

Giving to Get Versus Giving to Give

“Love is the only thing you get more of by giving it away” ~ T. Wilson

godJafree Ozwald – There are two types of people in this world. Those who are ego driven and those who live beyond their ego. The ego-based person is stuck in a fear based survival thinking pattern created from societal conditioning and previous emotional wounding. This causes them to believe they are separate from the God Source.

The second type of person is a soul based individual who knows they are an infinite being who is deeply loved, cherished, and divinely connected to the most sacred intelligent Source of Life in the Universe.

The biggest distinction between these two groups is the relationship each has with their own mind. The ego-based person has not taken the time to stop their mind-chatter long enough to look inside, relax deeply, trust completely and bathe in the divine essence within. Continue reading

Winter Solstice Gold Body Activation

God sourceLisa Renee – This month’s newsletter is a very brief summation about the current themes happening in the global shift, which are directly catalyzed by the Winter Solstice Gold Body Activation on December 21, 2020.

Our Christmas present at the end of this challenging year is that the Universal Father Solar Rishi and the Cosmic Christos Consciousness families from the God World Source Domains have returned to this earth. We begin a new phase during the Ascension Cycle of which disclosure and meaningful access to truthful events in regard to crimes made against humanity will begin to be reported to the masses and will be enforced into accountability. Continue reading

Relax…You Have Already Arrived

Jafree Ozwald  September 4 2013

Most people have spent lifetimes seeking, yearning, and hoping for that special “something or someone” to show up before they can relax and be truly happy. There is always that bigger and better something or someone showing up someday, so the desiring machine inside you never becomes satisfied. It is only knows three things…wanting, wanting, and more wanting. If you’ve become wrapped up in a constant state of desiring that better relationship, that bigger bank account, that skinnier body in the future (or whatever the mind is addicted to), you might want to see what you’re really experiencing on the inside and actually manifesting on the outside.

“Outwardness of the mind is suffering…inwardness is happiness.” ~Ramana

The energy of desire is not a bad thing. It just creates a false sensation of lack within. The desire to pay your bills and feed your family might be something that helps you spring out of bed each morning, yet if it has become the main carrot that drives your entire life purpose and mission, it is blinding you from seeing why you are truly here. I invite you to try on something very radical today. Perhaps the most radical experiment you’ll do in your entire life. For one hour, don’t desire anything. Try it! Step away from the desiring mind by calling off the perpetual search addicted to wanting, yearning, and hoping. That special “something or someone” will find you much easier. By putting your attention on what permanently satisfies your soul, you become a magnet for manifesting all of your desires instantly.

“There’s no way to freedom. A ‘way’ means you have to start from somewhere and arrive somewhere. This is the deception of the mind. You don’t have to go anywhere to find freedom. Forget about finding your way, you are already That which you are seeking.” ~Papaji

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