The Path and Art of Being

EarthJennifer Hoffman – If someone asks us who we are we often respond with a description of what we do-we’re an artist, writer, musician, teacher, parent, counselor, etc.

It’s very hard, if not impossible, to describe ourselves without including something about what we do in the world because this is how people can connect to and understand us. It’s also how we connect with and understand ourselves because we know ourselves as humans by what we do. Continue reading

The Illusion Is As Insubstantial As A Soap Bubble

The Illusion Is As Insubstantial As A Soap BubbleJohn  Smallman – Humanity is going to awaken, and you Light bearers know this.  Focus on this knowing, on this certainty, because you are making it happen.

It is God’s Will and yours that you awaken; consequently, that is the only possible and only available outcome.  When you focus your attention on reaching your divine destination, the Light you are carrying on high burns brightly, helping to show others the way.

Living with love and acceptance in your hearts intensifies the strength of the divine energy field embracing you all and further undermines the crumbling foundations of the illusion. Continue reading

How To Tap Into An Abundance Of Peaceful Thoughts

“In truth, you are spirit. The body has been projected by the mind, which itself originates from Spirit. If the wrong identification ceases, there will be peace and permanent, indescribable bliss.” – Ramana Maharishi

WaterWithRainbowJafree Ozwald – The greatest secret in life is knowing how to be completely at peace no matter what occurs. This takes mastery, yet is also easy enough for any teenager to do. When you are living fully in this real 3D world, truly open, honest and intimate with others, you will be forced into a deep discovery of peace.

The secret is knowing how to be completely non-attached to whatever you find because again everything is an emanation of the mind. This world is real and unreal, its like a 3D dream. Continue reading

The Secrets To Walking A Spiritual Path

“The Universe has billions of ways to keep us humble and fascinated all at the same time.” – Mike Pearson

EnergyJafree Ozwald – The spiritual being that you already are is already awakened, already conscious, already empowered, and already eternally free. You are an infinite being, who will live forever.

You are connected to the greatest source of divine love you can imagine! You don’t need any method, teaching or person outside of you to access this. All that is needed is a deep relaxation into the source of what you already are. You are the authority of your life and you decide when, where, and how you will find, feel and experience the Divine. Continue reading

The Secret to Discovering Higher Consciousness

“The only way to be happy is to love. Unless you love, your life will flash by.” – Tree of Life

consciousnessJafree Ozwald – Whenever something… anything happens to you in life, open your heart to it. Even if you are afraid of it and you have judged it as “wrong”, still go into it fully with a welcome open accepting heart. Otherwise the mind will get in the way and contaminate the lesson your soul is learning.

Your mind is fabulous at judging things, and all judgment ends up creating heavy, defensive, fear-based energy in your body. Your heart is a master at acceptance. It is designed to accept everything and everyone as they are. It can melt through any fearful moment and help you understand that everything that happens to you is for your soul’s evolution towards enlightenment.

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