Judge Dale (ret’d) ~ The Great American Adventure 2B: “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” Lord Acton, 1887

Judge Dale (Guest Writer) Shift Frequency | July 28 2012

Continental Congress
Mayer Amschel Rothschild

The Founding Fathers rejected the Rothschilds’ request for another 20-year banking charter. In a fit of unbridled rage Mayer Amschel Rothschild requested King George’s help in fomenting war in the former colonies. King George’s advisers began plotting on Rothschild’s behalf. They believed if they could:

  • Destroy the American symbol of government
  • Eliminate specific signers of the Declaration of Independence who were considered trouble makers and
  • Burn the actual “Declaration of Independence”

They would, through these acts of force and violence, take the fight out of the American colonists who would then succumb to their plans.

Traitors Existed From The Beginning

Thirty of the 51 signers of the Declaration of Independence were loyal Americans. The other 21 were traitors secretly loyal to King George.  Of course today we laud these traitors as heroes and patriots. However it is the 30 loyalists who gave their last full measure of devotion in the cause of liberty who deserve our praise.

So what actually happened?

“Issues” between the colonists and England were gradually escalated until America became embroiled in a series of disputes with England. The White House in Philadelphia was burned. Specific American Loyalists and their entire families were murdered and their remains burned in their homes.

After a series of battles and skirmishes the colonists returned to their trades. Once again the Continental Congress declared America victorious but it was not a long-lasting victory. The usurpations and British attempts to undermine the new nation continued unabated. Events deteriorated until the colonists finally had enough and engaged in the War of 1812.

Ben Franklin Had His Secrets. Did These Include Treason?

Benjamin Franklin made numerous trips to England supposedly to visit an English woman who was his love interest. However, colonial documents suggest Franklin was a regular participant in sex parties held by the wealthy. So why travel to England to visit a love interest?  Can anyone explain (without Ben Franklin’s frequent trips to London) how the British military possessed the names and addresses of all 30 loyalist family members and their relatives, with specific directions to their homes?  Of course as you might have already deduced the 21 traitor Founding Fathers and their families were never harmed or threatened.

The Treaty of Paris (aka The Treaty of Peace) was negotiated by Franklin, Adams and Jay in 1783.  Unknown to the colonists this Treaty included an item declaring King George’s son, Prince William, the sovereign ruler of America.

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The Great American Adventure 1B – The Money’s Worth Nothing. So Is The Government

“Those who do not know their past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana

Review Part 1 here

Judge Dale – If you strongly disagree with anything I have written thus far great! Now prove that I am wrong. That said, be careful how you react because Americans have been taught from an early age to simply deny without proof anything that contradicts the imaginary template defined as “The American way of life.

I happen to know that everything that has been discussed herein is factual. I grant you these secrets of America are not easy to digest because deception never is an easy pill for anyone to swallow.  If ignorance truly is bliss you certainly can choose to remain apathetic and ignorant. Conversely, you can decide to begin to digest some hard core reality.

Some of your best friends may be lawyers, judges and politicians. Unfortunately they are all part of the lie and they all have sworn an oath to propagate the lie and deny the truth. So you may need to do some soul searching and investigation of your own.  Believe you me this was hard initially for me to accept too. Continue reading