
WIFLI  September 29 – October 5 2013

As you no doubt have realized perceptions of reality can differ profoundly. Two friends might be sitting on a porch looking at the same tree. One sees a falcon sitting on a branch. The other looks and never sees the falcon until it flies out of the tree. For the first the falcon existed as it sat on a branch in the tree. For the second the falcon didn’t exist until it flew out of the tree. For both, the ground of reality – the tree and branch — exist as agreed-upon objects within a shared environment. However, only one had the clear enough vision to see the falcon hidden within the leaves.

Group Mind

Individuals group themselves into communities of ideas that form a basis for perceiving “right” and “wrong.”  For example, you will be hard-pressed to find Western-enculterated individuals who haven’t assimilated the belief that World War II was an Allied victory of principle and right-action over a tyranny embracing ethnic purity, eugenics, and fascist dictatorship. Over time certain events occurred that caused free-thinking individuals to question this storyline. These engaged in personal research and before too long discovered that WWII could just as easily have been a Hegelian exercise run by shysters interested solely in war profiteering and global expansion.

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